In order to further increase productivity, various studies have focused on improving the economics of stone processing. In addition to improving the output of materials and reducing the cost of scrap, diamond manufacturers, machine tool builders and tool manufacturers are increasing the productivity of machine tools. A lot of research has been done to match the tools. One of the studies identified the current level of production capacity of marble processing machines. The most efficient granite saws currently used in Europe are only about 4% more productive than marble processing. In general, when the depth of cut is greater than 25 mm, it is unlikely to be used for processing granite, as this will result in a large amount of heat and overload of the diamond tool.
A diamond partner, a diamond tool manufacturer, a machine tool builder, a saw blade matrix manufacturer and a European partner international organization, a research institute, began researching a new world of stone processing. Emphasis is placed on finding ways to solve problems, as well as a comprehensive assessment of technology, the economy and the environment, and the approximation of the problem. The goal of this program is to develop the subsystems of the processing system to meet the needs of deep conditions, that is, the depth of cut ranges from 100 to 300 mm. It includes an efficient diamond circular saw blade and an improved system for lubrication at the tool and workpiece interface to ensure stable operation over time. Because this is a basic requirement for a highly automated process. The research work is carried out in two phases:
1. Conduct laboratory tests to obtain some basic information (material properties, cutting forces, temperature and vibration) as the basic data that must be improved when designing machine tools and tools.
2. Development of tools and machine tool components (saw blade agglomeration, lubrication and finishing systems) based on the first phase data. In the first phase, one of the keys to the design of the project was to use a small saw blade simulation to examine the force of the machining, the temperature at the interface of the tool and the workpiece (grinding zone), and the vibration characteristics. When using a small saw blade, it is important that the system characteristics match the actual use condition characteristics in industrial applications. To meet this requirement, many authors have proposed various sawing models. Two major variables in the system are recognized, namely cutting speed (Vc) and depth of cut (ae). Using these parameters and information about the tool geometry, a simplified model formula for a circular saw blade sawing can be proposed.
Using this formula, it is possible to reproduce conditions and forces that are similar under normal conditions in industrial applications.
Measurement of cutting temperature and cutting force under deep sawing conditions.
Deep sawing was performed using a small laboratory test to measure the heat and cutting forces generated in the cutting zone. This information is necessary to determine the lubrication equipment for large-scale production saws and to predict the cutting forces that diamond tools can withstand during processing. High strength diamond is used with a particle size of 30/40 and a particle count of 660 ± 30 per carat. First sawn medium-hard Italian granite, and then saw more difficult to process Indian red granite, which is one of the most difficult materials. In the sawing test, the sawing depth was maintained at 90 mm, and the feed speed was adjusted to vary between the mildest cutting conditions of 100 cm 2 /min and the worst conditions of 600 cm 2 /min. This condition can meet the production efficiency of 380 cm 2 /min to 1000 cm 2 /min set by industrial production. The temperature measurement results were obtained. As expected, the cutting temperature as the sawing efficiency increases is also increasing, but even at the highest speeds, the resulting cutting temperature is still below 200 °C. Use a dynamometer to measure normal and tangential forces in machining, helping to develop sawmill designs and tool sizes for the largest sizes. The analysis of the cutting forces and the investigation of the diamond wear process determined that the work should be carried out in that section within the scope of the process. This is the key to maintaining uniform wear of the diamond and adjusting the exposure height required by the diamond to complete the cutting of the material.
Machining requirements for granite deep saws Based on the information obtained in the first phase, specially designed processing equipment related to the deep sawing process is determined. Consider the design of the diamond saw blade, focusing on the following tool design requirements. The tool specifications and processing conditions must be such that the thickness of the chip is achieved when the material removal rate and diamond exposure height match. In the case of deep sawing, unlike the case where the chip thickness is too small, the main aspect of concern is that if the cutting parameters are too large, the thickness of the chips will exceed the exposed height of the diamond. In this case, since the diamond particles show excessive brittleness, the gap between the workpiece and the bonding agent is insufficient and a catastrophic failure occurs. This will cause an increase in the normal force, causing a catastrophic failure of the tool. On the other hand, the project plan focuses on various requirements such as machine stability and lubrication power, which are considered when the final assembly of the deep saw is made.
A diamond partner, a diamond tool manufacturer, a machine tool builder, a saw blade matrix manufacturer and a European partner international organization, a research institute, began researching a new world of stone processing. Emphasis is placed on finding ways to solve problems, as well as a comprehensive assessment of technology, the economy and the environment, and the approximation of the problem. The goal of this program is to develop the subsystems of the processing system to meet the needs of deep conditions, that is, the depth of cut ranges from 100 to 300 mm. It includes an efficient diamond circular saw blade and an improved system for lubrication at the tool and workpiece interface to ensure stable operation over time. Because this is a basic requirement for a highly automated process. The research work is carried out in two phases:
1. Conduct laboratory tests to obtain some basic information (material properties, cutting forces, temperature and vibration) as the basic data that must be improved when designing machine tools and tools.
2. Development of tools and machine tool components (saw blade agglomeration, lubrication and finishing systems) based on the first phase data. In the first phase, one of the keys to the design of the project was to use a small saw blade simulation to examine the force of the machining, the temperature at the interface of the tool and the workpiece (grinding zone), and the vibration characteristics. When using a small saw blade, it is important that the system characteristics match the actual use condition characteristics in industrial applications. To meet this requirement, many authors have proposed various sawing models. Two major variables in the system are recognized, namely cutting speed (Vc) and depth of cut (ae). Using these parameters and information about the tool geometry, a simplified model formula for a circular saw blade sawing can be proposed.
Using this formula, it is possible to reproduce conditions and forces that are similar under normal conditions in industrial applications.
Measurement of cutting temperature and cutting force under deep sawing conditions.
Deep sawing was performed using a small laboratory test to measure the heat and cutting forces generated in the cutting zone. This information is necessary to determine the lubrication equipment for large-scale production saws and to predict the cutting forces that diamond tools can withstand during processing. High strength diamond is used with a particle size of 30/40 and a particle count of 660 ± 30 per carat. First sawn medium-hard Italian granite, and then saw more difficult to process Indian red granite, which is one of the most difficult materials. In the sawing test, the sawing depth was maintained at 90 mm, and the feed speed was adjusted to vary between the mildest cutting conditions of 100 cm 2 /min and the worst conditions of 600 cm 2 /min. This condition can meet the production efficiency of 380 cm 2 /min to 1000 cm 2 /min set by industrial production. The temperature measurement results were obtained. As expected, the cutting temperature as the sawing efficiency increases is also increasing, but even at the highest speeds, the resulting cutting temperature is still below 200 °C. Use a dynamometer to measure normal and tangential forces in machining, helping to develop sawmill designs and tool sizes for the largest sizes. The analysis of the cutting forces and the investigation of the diamond wear process determined that the work should be carried out in that section within the scope of the process. This is the key to maintaining uniform wear of the diamond and adjusting the exposure height required by the diamond to complete the cutting of the material.
Machining requirements for granite deep saws Based on the information obtained in the first phase, specially designed processing equipment related to the deep sawing process is determined. Consider the design of the diamond saw blade, focusing on the following tool design requirements. The tool specifications and processing conditions must be such that the thickness of the chip is achieved when the material removal rate and diamond exposure height match. In the case of deep sawing, unlike the case where the chip thickness is too small, the main aspect of concern is that if the cutting parameters are too large, the thickness of the chips will exceed the exposed height of the diamond. In this case, since the diamond particles show excessive brittleness, the gap between the workpiece and the bonding agent is insufficient and a catastrophic failure occurs. This will cause an increase in the normal force, causing a catastrophic failure of the tool. On the other hand, the project plan focuses on various requirements such as machine stability and lubrication power, which are considered when the final assembly of the deep saw is made.
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