Installation and inspection of home-installed wires, telephone lines, and television lines

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1. The dark line should be laid in the sheath pipe. It is better to use PVC flame-retardant pipe or metal pipe. The joints of the wires should be set in the junction box (you can't simply wrap a bag and directly buried in the wall) .

2, depending on the use of different specifications and types of wire, the telephone line should use a special sheath line (available from the telecommunications company, can not be used instead of conventional wires), cable cable 75-ohm copper shielded cable, lighting cable Lines with a cross-section of 1.5 square meters should be used, and air-conditioning lines should be at least 2.5 square meters. If there is a lot of high-power household appliances in a certain room, it is better to use a line with more than 4 square meters.

3, power lines, telephone lines and cable lines can not be worn in the same sheath tube. Safety concealed sockets and concealed switches should be used. It is best to install a leakage protector. The heads of various types of junction boxes shall be reserved for more than 15 cm. Before the wall is closed, the power supply must be checked carefully. Telephone lines and cable television lines may be checked with a multimeter.

4. When wiring, make sure that the wires are unobstructed. Make sure that the wires are open or short circuited before the concealment works are closed. Method: Two people check that one person shorts two wires at one end, and the other uses a multimeter to check whether they are conducting at the other end. If not, it is the open circuit and the resistance of the conduction.

According to the thickness of the wire, it should be less than 1-2 ohms. If the resistance is too large, it indicates that the copper core of the wire is highly contaminated and the wire is prone to heat. After a long time, the wire is short-circuited due to aging, and many fires are caused by this. This type of wire is available in both large and small stores and can't be bought cheaply. Don't rely on brand names. Use meter measurements strictly to prevent future problems. Then measure the short circuit and the insulation resistance (the resistance between the two wires of the multimeter should be infinite, and in the humid climate, the resistance of several hundred megabytes is also normal). If the insulation is not good, it is a poor quality product. This kind of wire cannot be used. All electrical switches must be hand-tested for its tactile sensations, such as rough touch and easy ignition. Shorter service life. The use of silver-plated contacts is recommended. The price is 1/3 more expensive than ordinary switches, but the life is more than 1 times longer. The current capacity of the air conditioning socket is more than 1 times greater than the actual load, otherwise it is easy to heat and increase power consumption, or even smoke. )

5, in the cable and installation of equipment, should always be in the side supervision and inspection, once buried in the wall or ceiling is difficult to check, especially multi-switch, be sure to check whether it is effective, if not meet the requirements Places must be ordered to rectify the construction party.

6, weak wire wiring principles. At present, the types of weak wires in the home are: telephone lines, computer network lines, cable television signal lines, and audio lines. A weak wire has a low signal voltage, such as parallel wiring with a power line, and is vulnerable to the voltage of a 220V power line. Therefore, the weak wires must avoid the power line. The distance between the two should be more than 20cm, their sockets should also be more than 20cm apart, the lower edge of the socket is about 30cm from the ground. In general, these weak wires should be placed under the roof, walls or under the floor. Wiring under the floor, in order to prevent the influence of moisture and other environmental factors, the outside of these lines should be attached to a solid jointless bushing. If there is a joint, it must be sealed.

7. The hooks of large chandelier and ceiling fan are best made of steel bars larger than 8mm. They are embedded in the ceiling, and the installation should be firm. The distance to ground should not be less than 2.3 meters.

8, wall lamp, light chandeliers fixed with expansion bolts. The point of focus of the chandelier should be on the boom or chain, and must not allow the power cord to withstand the gravity of the chandelier.

9. The exhaust hood should be installed firmly according to the instructions, and the height and inclination should be in accordance with the manufacturer's standards. It must not be changed in a convenient or beautiful manner.

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