China's machinery industry will recover

The recovery of the machinery industry will evolve from downstream special equipment to parts and components to general equipment such as machine tools. The recovery is a gradual process.
At present, demand is still mainly from domestic demand, such as railways, highways, subways, etc. If the private investment and export recovery in the second half of the year, the most obvious benefit is still the construction machinery industry, the recovery of general equipment such as machine tools and the shipbuilding industry is relatively lagging behind. Due to the lack of momentum in raw material prices, it is expected that the profitability of the machinery industry will improve in the second half of the year.
The machinery industry is currently in a process of mild recovery. In the first half of the year, due to insufficient capacity utilization and product price cuts, the performance of the interim report was generally lower than expected. In particular, export-led industries such as ships, forklifts and bulldozers have not yet emerged from the bottom, but the darkest moment in the industry has passed.
During the rainy season in July, the sales volume of construction machinery products fell back from normal. Benefiting from infrastructure, the sales volume of truck crane excavator concrete machinery increased year-on-year for two consecutive months, and the sales of earth-rock machinery loaders and bulldozers were flat. The new start-up growth is a forward-looking indicator, even if it is a downturn, it is still at a historical high level. It is believed that the sales of construction machinery in the second half of the year will be weak in the off-season.
The output of domestic CNC metal cutting machine tools rebounded, and the first year of machine tool exports in July achieved positive growth year-on-year.
Export demand bottomed out and the signs of rebound were not obvious. In June, sales of construction machinery in Korea continued to rise, up 40% year-on-year, and the decline was narrowed. The sales volume of construction machinery in Japan only recovered to 30%-40% in the same period of last year. The number of orders for factories and machinery in Germany decreased by 46% compared with the same period of last year. Narrowing; US machine tool orders fell 64% year-on-year in June. Japanese machine tool orders are still only 20% in the same period last year.

Mine Equipment

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