New progress in the research of nanowire quantum structure materials where semiconductors are located

Semiconductor self-organizing quantum dots and quantum rings have "atomic-like" properties and are important quantum structures for solid-state quantum physics and information devices in the forefront of quantum information and science and technology. They are also high-quality single photon sources, entangled photon pairs, and AB (Aharonov). -Bohm) effects, quantum state manipulation, and ideal systems for quantum computing devices also have important application prospects in new micro-nano-optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, microcavity lasers, and sensors. At present, the above-mentioned controllable preparation of quantum structures still faces challenges.

Niu Zhichuan, researcher of the State Key Laboratory of Superlattices, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has conducted in-depth and systematic studies in recent years on self-organized epitaxial growth of In(Ga)As quantum dots, quantum rings, quantum dots in nanowires, and quantum rings in nanowires. , droplet epitaxial growth method. The morphology and density-controlled growth of a variety of quantum ring structures have been achieved using Ga, In droplets epitaxy techniques (Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 031921 (2006)). In 2008, we developed an electrically driven single photon emission device with DBR resonator coupled to a single quantum dot. On this basis, in order to further improve the quality of the single photon source, the growth of quantum dot structures in nanowires was carried out to increase the single photon emission. Directed emission efficiency.

The controllable growth of Ga autocatalytic GaAs nanowires, GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell structures, and InAs quantum dot structures embedded in nanowires have been realized. For the first time, bifurcated nanowires were grown by stress-induced nucleation in Ga-droplet autocatalytic GaAs nanowires (Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 163115 (2013)), and GaAs bifurcated nanowires and InAs quantum dots were successfully Coupling, high quality single photon emission at liquid helium (4K) temperature was observed (Nano Letters, 13, 1399 (2013)).

Recently, the research group Zha Guowei and Yu Ying have found in their studies that by optimizing the nucleation temperature and crystallization conditions of the GaAs nanowires on the sidewalls of the deposition of Ga droplets, quantum dots with controlled density and morphology can be grown. Quantum loops and other novel quantum structures, for the first time found that the single nanowire sidewalls form a single “square” quantum ring and have high quality light emitting properties. (Nanoscale, 10.1039 (2013)).

They further grown GaAs quantum dots in GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires and GaAs quantum dots placed at the center of the AlGaAs quantum ring and covering the AlGaAs barrier. The first combination of cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy was used at liquid nitrogen temperatures (77K). The single-quantum-point exciton emission enhanced by the nanowire cavity mode was clearly observed. The single-photon emission rate reached 8MHz and the second-order correlation intensity was less than 0.15. This provides a new material structure for quantum optical devices such as single-photon sources with high emission rates at liquid nitrogen temperatures. (Advanced Materials, Article first published online: 14 FEB 2014 | DOI: 10.1002/adma.201304501)

This research work has been supported by the National Major Scientific Research Project, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Pilot Project (B), and the China University of Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Science.

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