Aluminum industry experts discuss the development trend of high precision aluminum deep processing industry

On May 17th, the Binzhou Aluminum Industry Association held a seminar on high-precision aluminum deep-processing industry. Authoritative experts and scholars from the aluminum industry of domestic and foreign professional universities and research institutes made in-depth and exciting themes on the hot topic of the aluminum industry. Research. Zhang Shiping, Chairman of Weiqiao Venture Group, Zhang Bo, Vice President of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, President of Binzhou Aluminum Industry Association and Chief Executive Officer of China Hongqiao Group attended the seminar.

Before the seminar began, Zhang Shiping, chairman of Weiqiao Venture Group, met with experts and scholars attending the seminar. He said that around Binzhou City and Zouping County, we will continue to expand our production and R&D capabilities in high-precision aluminum deep processing. We hope that experts and professors will actively provide advice and suggestions to promote the development of aluminum industry in Binzhou City. , strengthen and refine, and make due contributions to the revitalization of China's aluminum industry.

Vice President of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, President of Binzhou Aluminum Industry Association and CEO of China Hongqiao Group Zhang Bo delivered speeches at the seminar. On behalf of the Binzhou Aluminum Industry Association, he paid tribute to leaders and experts for their long-term concern and support for the work of the Association. He extended a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to everyone for participating in the seminar. He said that in recent years, relying on Weiqiao's high quality and abundant aluminum water resources, the Binzhou aluminum processing industry has risen rapidly and has developed rapidly. It has formed a complete series of industries such as smelting, extrusion, profiles, wire rods, strips and foils, and automobile wheel hub manufacturing. The chain and agglomeration effects gradually emerged. But overall, Binzhou aluminum processing industry has a lot of room for development in the production of sophisticated products and technological innovation. The Binzhou Aluminum Industry Association organized the “Seminar for High-Precision Aluminum Deep-Processing Industry” to grasp the opportunity of the state to encourage supply-side structural reforms, and to combine the market, industry, and its own characteristics to strive for the development of high-precision aluminum deep processing. Create a new road. He hoped that all experts would speak freely and provide valuable guidance and constructive suggestions for the development of the aluminum industry in Binzhou.

At the seminar, industry experts from Northeast University, Guangdong Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Technology Committee, China Commercial Aircraft, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and other professional institutions and research institutes analyzed the status quo and development trends of the current international and domestic aluminum industry. And from the market, technology, product development direction and other aspects put forward many constructive suggestions. After the expert discussions in the morning and in the afternoon, they also organized interactive discussions. Experts and scholars made wonderful discussions on current hot topics in the aluminum industry.

Vice President of China Nonferrous Metals Processing Industry Association, Executive Deputy Chairman of Binzhou Aluminum Industry Association, Chairman of Innovation Group Cui Lixin attended the seminar. Secretary-General of Binzhou Aluminum Industry Association and deputy general manager of Weiqiao Aluminum Power Company presided over the seminar.

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