Watering and fertilizing vegetables in greenhouses in winter

Due to improper watering and fertilization, the phenomenon of rotten roots, roots and wilting of vegetables in the greenhouses is common in winter greenhouse vegetable production, which seriously affects the economic benefits of greenhouse vegetables. Here to remind the majority of vegetable farmers, watering and fertilizing should be careful.
First, watering winter greenhouse vegetable watering should be arranged on a sunny day, after watering, it is best to have several consecutive sunny days. In the morning, you should choose not only the difference between water temperature and ground temperature, the temperature is easy to recover, but also sufficient time to eliminate the increased air humidity due to watering. Generally, it is not suitable to choose at noon to avoid watering at high temperature affecting the physiological functions of the root system. It is also not advisable to water the water in the evening and in the wind and snow, to avoid the difficulty in recovering the temperature inside the shed, and the humidity is too large, causing vegetable diseases to occur.
When the greenhouse vegetables are seriously deficient in water, the plants are wilting and the leaves are scorched; when the water is too much, the soil is dehydrated, causing the roots to rot, and the above-ground parts of the stems and leaves are yellow or even dead. In winter, the temperature of greenhouse watering is low, the amount of air released is small, and the water consumption is small. At this time, the humidity changes greatly after watering, and the duration is long, so it needs to be poured in small water. When the temperature in the shed is relatively low, the number of watering should be reduced as much as possible, and the amount should be small. Avoid flooding with large water to prevent the roots of vegetables from being caused by low temperature and high humidity.
Watering in greenhouses in winter should be directly irrigated with underground well water. If cold ground water is used for irrigation, the roots of the plants will be stimulated, which will affect plant growth. When watering, water temperature is required to be as close as possible to the ground temperature.
On the day of watering, in order to restore the ground temperature as soon as possible, the greenhouse should be closed, so that the temperature in the shed can be rapidly increased, and the temperature will be raised by the temperature. After the ground temperature rises, the air is released for dehumidification to lower the temperature to a suitable range.
Second, fertilization is the combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. That is, combination of slowness and quick effect. Many farmers apply fertilizer in winter or apply a lot of chemical fertilizers. In addition to lowering the ground temperature, chemical fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate and urea are the main fertilizers. In the short term, vegetables grow better, but lack long-term, and plants are prone to premature aging. Some fertilizers are mainly based on cake fertilizer or diammonium phosphate, which has poor effect and sometimes causes losses. The main reason is that the cake fertilizer is not fermented, and the fermentation takes a certain time.
Secondly, topdressing is mainly based on fertilization, and fertilizer is mainly used as multi-component fertilizer. The method of flushing is adopted to solve the problem of surface root requirement for fertilizer. On the other hand, the fertilizer can increase root elongation and expand the area of ​​root absorption fertilizer. To make the roots of the plants absorb as much nutrients as possible.
The third is the combination of Dashui and Xiaoshui. Many farmers and farmers use fertilization in large waters regardless of seedling stage and fruiting stage, which makes the fertilizer water too large, causing rotten roots and roots. Regardless of biological fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and chemical fertilizers, it is necessary to look at the seedlings and use fertilizers in accordance with scientific methods.
The fourth is the combination of bio-organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer. The biological fertilizer contains a variety of beneficial bacteria, which have the functions of activating soil and increasing ground temperature. Combined with inorganic fertilizers, it can not only avoid the fat damage caused by a large amount of fertilizer, but also increase the soil organic matter, enhance the nutritional effects of different components, and promote root development.
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