The first measure of pest control: ensure that the clothes are clean and then enter the cabinet. Insects, mites, cockroaches and other pests like the corners of dark clothes, so the clothes stored in the season should be cleaned before storage; usually, unwashed clothes should not be placed in the closet. If there are food residues, food stains or food odors, it is easier to grow and multiply. So to prevent insects, first keep the clothes clean.
The second measure of pest control: pay attention to ventilation and prevent moisture. Many pests prefer a humid living environment, and if the wetness in the closet is likely to cause a variety of pests to breed. Similarly, undryed clothing cannot be placed in the closet to avoid increasing the humidity inside the closet.
The third measure of pest control: the clothing is classified and stored to avoid cross infection. Aphids and mites can penetrate very closed wardrobes. Therefore, if you want to store wool products, it is best to use plastic boxes and plastic bags. Cotton products can be rolled up to prevent shrinkage.
The fourth measure of pest control: cotton coats and quilts are vacuum processed. Winter thick clothes such as quilts, coats, etc., many pests like to eat protein fiber, quilts, winter clothes mostly meet their "appetite", although pay attention to the room hygiene, keep dry can generally block pests outside the wardrobe, But just in case, the vacuum bag can be used as the last line of defense.
Product Structure:
Inner layer: Extruded with PVDF cross-linked polyethylene or other modified polymer material.
Intermediate layer: Enhanced layer with aramid fiber, steel wire or other high-strength material by composite molding.
Outer layer: The factory traditional color is black, however, customer preference color can be provided with or without UV protection.
Main Uses:
Transmission of oil, gas and water mixture of oil filed
High strength, high temperature and corrosion resistance, anti-scaling, small coefficient of-friction resistance, good thermal insulation(Due to specificities of formula and property, it is suite for H2S resistance effectively)
Temperature resistance range: -45°C~95°C
Reinforced Flexible Composite Hose includes:
1. ISO 9001/ API Q1 / ISO14001 / OHSAS 18001 Certificate
2. Large stocks Timely delivery
3. Professional
4. Good after-sale service
Water Injection Pipe Series
Gas Pipe Series
Oil Injection Pipe Series
Alcohol Injection Pipe Series
Offshore Pipe Series
Oil Injection Pipe Series
Oil Injection Pipe Series,Oil Injection Pipe,Fuel Injection Pipe,High Pressure Oil Pipe