There are many types of wallpapers. Currently, the most popular ones in the world are gummy paper-based wallpapers, textile wallpapers, natural material wallpapers, plastic wallpapers, glass fiber wallpapers, metal wallpapers, and fluorescent wallpapers. When you choose to decorate your home wallpaper, you can choose patterns, colors, etc. You can choose according to the environment and purpose of your room, but don’t neglect health and environmental issues.
Bright colors and bright colors have an activating effect on people's emotions. They are suitable for use in restaurants and living rooms. Cool colors and low brightness colors can make people concentrate and have emotional stability. They are suitable for use in bedrooms and study rooms. Different colors give people different feelings. For example, white or light colors give people a sense of freshness and freshness; dark colors make people feel steady and dignified; warm colors (red, orange, pink, etc.) make people think of The sun and the fire feel warm and unrestrained; the cool colors (such as blue and green colors) reminiscent of the sea, the blue sky and the forest give people a sense of peace and tranquility. Remind the ground, the best furniture and the wallpaper is the same color, or too much color in a room will look too messy.
Patterned long strips of wallpapers are one of the most successful choices due to their long-lasting, classical, modern and traditional characteristics. Long strips of wallpaper can spread colors on the entire wall in the most effective way, and they are simple and elegant, and can easily be matched with other patterns. There are many wallpapers in this type of pattern, both length and width, so you must choose the pattern that fits your own room size. Because the long pattern design has the effect of guiding the line of sight upwards, it creates an illusion of the height of the room and is ideal for use in shorter rooms. In the wallpaper exhibition hall, the brightest dazzling patterns and flowers are the most eye-catching, some flowers are vivid and the colors are intense. This wallpaper can reduce the restraint of the room, suitable for the more modest room. A regular pattern wallpaper can provide a background that is neither exaggerative nor too bland for your home. Your favorite furniture will fully reveal its features before the background. If you are still picking the wallpaper for the first time, choose this wallpaper as the safest. Special reminder with wallpaper with flowers and too trivial jewelry will make the room appear cluttered, when buying should consider the overall coordination effect. It is more appropriate to use monochromatic wallpaper for rooms with scattered walls and excessively irregular walls. The use of patterned wallpaper will not allow the best representation of wallpaper patterns because the walls are not coherent and concentrated. Bright lines, bold colors, abstract patterns of wallpaper for avant-garde consumers like refresher, this wallpaper needs the same distinctive furniture.
Healthy consumers do not only look at whether it is beautiful, but also whether it is safe and healthy. Wallpaper pollution mainly comes from the following two aspects: First, the wallpaper itself releases volatile organic compounds, such as toluene, xylene, formaldehyde and so on. Especially PVC surface wallpaper, due to raw materials, process recipes and other reasons, may lead, lead, antimony, vinyl chloride and other harmful substances, poses a threat to human health. Second, wallpaper adhesive contamination. Adhesives are mainly divided into organic solvent type and water based type. In order to make it have better permeability, manufacturers often use large amounts of volatile organic solvents in production. Therefore, the adhesive may release formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, etc. during the curing period.
Remind you to choose wallpapers, be sure to see whether it meets the standards of “Hazardous Materials Limits in Interior Decorating Materials Wallpapersâ€. It is best to choose natural fiber wallpapers or full-paper wallpapers; also consider the environmental performance of wallpaper adhesives, choose a guarantee of credibility The brand-name adhesives, preferably water-based; before the wallpaper is applied, the paint must also comply with environmental standards.
Bright colors and bright colors have an activating effect on people's emotions. They are suitable for use in restaurants and living rooms. Cool colors and low brightness colors can make people concentrate and have emotional stability. They are suitable for use in bedrooms and study rooms. Different colors give people different feelings. For example, white or light colors give people a sense of freshness and freshness; dark colors make people feel steady and dignified; warm colors (red, orange, pink, etc.) make people think of The sun and the fire feel warm and unrestrained; the cool colors (such as blue and green colors) reminiscent of the sea, the blue sky and the forest give people a sense of peace and tranquility. Remind the ground, the best furniture and the wallpaper is the same color, or too much color in a room will look too messy.
Patterned long strips of wallpapers are one of the most successful choices due to their long-lasting, classical, modern and traditional characteristics. Long strips of wallpaper can spread colors on the entire wall in the most effective way, and they are simple and elegant, and can easily be matched with other patterns. There are many wallpapers in this type of pattern, both length and width, so you must choose the pattern that fits your own room size. Because the long pattern design has the effect of guiding the line of sight upwards, it creates an illusion of the height of the room and is ideal for use in shorter rooms. In the wallpaper exhibition hall, the brightest dazzling patterns and flowers are the most eye-catching, some flowers are vivid and the colors are intense. This wallpaper can reduce the restraint of the room, suitable for the more modest room. A regular pattern wallpaper can provide a background that is neither exaggerative nor too bland for your home. Your favorite furniture will fully reveal its features before the background. If you are still picking the wallpaper for the first time, choose this wallpaper as the safest. Special reminder with wallpaper with flowers and too trivial jewelry will make the room appear cluttered, when buying should consider the overall coordination effect. It is more appropriate to use monochromatic wallpaper for rooms with scattered walls and excessively irregular walls. The use of patterned wallpaper will not allow the best representation of wallpaper patterns because the walls are not coherent and concentrated. Bright lines, bold colors, abstract patterns of wallpaper for avant-garde consumers like refresher, this wallpaper needs the same distinctive furniture.
Healthy consumers do not only look at whether it is beautiful, but also whether it is safe and healthy. Wallpaper pollution mainly comes from the following two aspects: First, the wallpaper itself releases volatile organic compounds, such as toluene, xylene, formaldehyde and so on. Especially PVC surface wallpaper, due to raw materials, process recipes and other reasons, may lead, lead, antimony, vinyl chloride and other harmful substances, poses a threat to human health. Second, wallpaper adhesive contamination. Adhesives are mainly divided into organic solvent type and water based type. In order to make it have better permeability, manufacturers often use large amounts of volatile organic solvents in production. Therefore, the adhesive may release formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, etc. during the curing period.
Remind you to choose wallpapers, be sure to see whether it meets the standards of “Hazardous Materials Limits in Interior Decorating Materials Wallpapersâ€. It is best to choose natural fiber wallpapers or full-paper wallpapers; also consider the environmental performance of wallpaper adhesives, choose a guarantee of credibility The brand-name adhesives, preferably water-based; before the wallpaper is applied, the paint must also comply with environmental standards.
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