Valve products of a wide range of claims are not completely unified, and some by the use of points (such as chemical, petroleum, power plants, etc.), and some by media (such as water vapor, air valve, etc.), and some according to the material , Cast steel valves, forged steel valves, etc.), and some according to the connection form (such as the internal thread, flange valves, etc.), and some according to the temperature points (such as cryogenic valves, high temperature valves, etc.). At present, most of our habits are differentiated according to the type of pressure and structure. Namely: According to the nominal pressure points: ≤ 1.6MPa for the low-pressure valve, pressure 2.5,4.0,6.4 MPa for the pressure valve, ≥ 10MPa for the high pressure valve, more than 100MPa for the high pressure valve. According to the type of structure points are: plug, gate valve, globe valve, ball valve - used to open or close the pipeline of medium flow. Check valve (including the bottom valve) - Used to automatically prevent the media back in the pipeline. Throttle - Used to regulate the flow of the pipe media. Butterfly valve - used to open or close the pipeline of media. Can also be used for adjustment. Safety valve - used in boilers, container equipment and pipelines, when the media pressure 趔 over a specified value, the pressure can be automatically ruled out of excess media to ensure safe operation of production. Pressure Reducing Valve - Used to automatically reduce medium pressure in pipes and equipment. Department of the media through the valve clearance, resulting in resistance caused by pressure loss, to achieve the purpose of decompression. Traps - Used to automatically drain condensate from steam lines to prevent loss or leakage of steam. Breaking Valves by Purpose and Function - Mainly used to shut off or turn on the medium flow. Including gate valve, globe valve, diaphragm valve, ball valve, plug valve, butterfly valve, plunger valve, ball valve, needle valve and so on. Regulating valve - is mainly used to regulate the flow of media, pressure and so on. Including the control valve, throttle, pressure reducing valve. Check valve - used to prevent media backflow. Includes various configurations of check valves. Diverter valves - used to separate, distribute or mix media. Including a variety of distribution valves and traps and other structures. Safety valves - for protection against overpressure of the medium. Including various types of safety valve. Pressure classification vacuum valve - the working pressure is lower than the standard atmospheric pressure valve. Low pressure valve - Nominal pressure PN less than 1.6MPa valve. Medium pressure valve - Nominal pressure PN 2.5 ~ 6.4MPa valve. High pressure valve - Nominal pressure PN10.0 ~ 80.0MPa valve. High pressure valve - Nominal pressure PN greater than 100MPa valve. According to the temperature of the medium temperature classification valve - t greater than 450C valve. Medium temperature valve - 120 C less than t less than 450 C valve. Room temperature valve --- 40 C less than t less than 120 C valve. Cryogenic valve --- 100 C less than t less than -40 C valve. Cryogenic valve - valve with t less than -100 ° C. According to the valve body material classification of non-metallic materials - such as ceramic valves, glass steel valves, plastic valves. Metal material valves - such as copper alloy valves, aluminum valves, lead alloy valves, titanium valves, Monel valves, cast iron valves, carbon steel valves, cast steel valves, low alloy steel valves, high alloy steel valves. Metal body-lined valves - such as lead-lined valves, lined plastic valves, lined enamel valves. General taxonomy This taxonomy not only by principle, role and structure by the division, is currently the most common international and domestic classification methods. General sub-gate valves, globe valves, throttle valves, instrumentation valves, plunger valves, diaphragm valves, plug valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, check valves, pressure relief valve safety valve, Sewage valve and so on. As the valve is used for a wide range of purposes, it plays a large role. For example, valves can control the operation of boilers and steam turbines in power plants. In petroleum and chemical production, valves also function to control all production equipment and processes. In other departments as well. However, valves are often overlooked compared to other products. For example, when installing machinery and equipment, people tend to focus on the main machinery and equipment, such as compressors, high-pressure vessels, boilers, etc., and others are not properly selected. These practices will reduce or stop the entire production efficiency, or cause a variety of other accidents. Therefore, the valve selection, installation, use, etc. must be serious and responsible work. In particular, modern industrial production and construction should be even more so.