U.S. R&D “backscatter” technology uses almost zero power

According to the report of the British "Daily Mail" on December 8, a technology called "backscattering" will be launched soon. It uses the low-power radio signals already existing in the environment to send information and can convert random objects. For the radio, and send the message to the mobile phone. With this technology, everyday objects around you can “communicate” with people.

Using backscatter technology, the University of Washington’s research team successfully developed a “singing poster” that could send the band’s music to a smartphone beyond 12 feet (4 meters) at 60 feet (18 meters). ), transfer it to the car.

Researchers said they also developed a T-shirt that can "talk" with people. The antenna was sewn to the T-shirt with conductive wires, and data was transmitted to the smartphone at a rate of 3.2 bits per second using the surrounding radio signals. The T-shirt could record and send information about the vital signs of the runner.

Researchers hope that this new technology can help develop a "smart city." "What we want to do is to make any everyday items in smart cities - posters, signposts, and even clothes, send information to people's mobile phones or cars," said Simum, an assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington. speak."

A University of Washington doctoral student, said, "radio technology such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and FM radio using the conventional button cells transmit information, less than half its capacity for sustainable time. And the way we develop new communication, may already be present in the reflection by The FM radio signal in the air sends the information and the consumed power is close to zero."

Backscattering transmits information by reflecting and encoding audio and data signals already present in the urban environment without affecting the original radio transmission. Joshua Smith, a professor of computer science at the University of Washington, said: "We send information through neighboring radio channels, carry the user's favorite news or music on the channel, and do not interfere with the original channel."

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington, Tara said, "because of the unique structure of FM radio signals, plus the original signal after scattering signal to the actual increase in the scattering signal frequency changes. These changes in frequency can be decoded for the automotive and smart phones Ordinary FM receiver audio.

Currently, there are backscatter transmitted by the audio signal and the data in three different ways: First, a simple overlay new information in the existing signal; second is to use an unused portion of a stereo FM radio; third is to use two smartphone Collaborate on decoding messages. ”

In the research team's demonstration, the total power of the backscattering system was 11 milliwatts. A small button battery could easily provide a few years of power, and it could also be powered by micro solar cells.

Diamond Blade

Brazing sintered diamond Saw Blade features

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Cutting efficiency is high, and is conducive to scouring debris, surface abrasive particles are not easy to cause

Blockage and loss of grinding ability.

2, due to the high edge of diamond, chip tolerance space, diamond and base

The high binding strength between the bodies prevents the diamond from falling off.

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