Precautionary measures: If the coal stove is used for heating, check the chimney sealing measures and whether the installation is reasonable. Pay attention to window ventilation or open the exhaust equipment. When using the stove or burning items, someone should look after it; the coal stove and brazier without chimney must be at night. It should be placed outdoors; weather with high humidity and low air pressure should be taken care of, and indoor doors and windows should not be closed too tightly.
First-aid measures: Early manifestations of carbon monoxide poisoning include severe headache, dizziness, palpitation, facial flushing, reddish lips, generalized weakness, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and confusion. At this point, if the patient can be removed from the poisoned environment, it can be quickly restored. If you continue to be in a poisoned environment, you may experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, and coma, often accompanied by serious complications such as cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, and shock. The mortality rate is extremely high. If there is dizziness or chest tightness when using coal stove or wood stove for heating, open the doors and windows as soon as possible and leave the scene. If the body is too weak to stand, you can crawl on the ground and escape quickly because carbon monoxide is lighter than air. When someone is found to be poisoned by carbon monoxide, they should immediately open the door and window to ventilate and quickly transfer the patient to the fresh air circulation to ensure that the airway is unobstructed. For those who are unconscious, the head should be turned to one side to prevent vomiting from inhaling into the respiratory tract and causing suffocation. For patients with respiratory and cardiac arrest, artificial respiration and cardiac compression should be performed immediately to obtain treatment time. After arriving at the hospital, hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment should be performed as soon as possible to reduce the sequelae.
To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, we must adhere to the principle of “prevention first, people-orientedâ€, vigorously carry out publicity and education on prevention and control of carbon monoxide poisoning, raise public awareness of self-rescue and mutual rescue of carbon monoxide poisoning, and organize and mobilize public participation in carbon monoxide poisoning. Prevention and control work, timely analysis and early warning of possible carbon monoxide poisoning incidents to protect the public's health and safety.
( Yang Shangyong )
Material :Natural slate , quartz,sandstone ,marble etc .
Size :12''*12'' ,can also made as your requirement
Shape :Rectangle ,square or other special shape
Packing :Hard carton then fumigated strong wooden crate.
The wooden crate size is made as the container size . After loading the wooden crate in the container ,the wooden crates will nearly same size with the width of the container .It can make the wooden crate not have space to move during transport . In this case ,it can keep the stone safety mostly
Application : Can be used to decorate the outside wall or inside wall .Decorate your house ,decorate your life .
Slate Mosaic,Slate Mosaic Tile,Slate Mosaic Wall Tiles,Slate Stone Mosaic