When firefighters perform water disaster rescue, they must first familiarize themselves with the conditions of various waters. Based on the characteristics of the water area, current conditions, the situation of the rescued persons, the rescue energy on site, and the use of necessary equipment and equipment, they are safe and fast. In the case of efficiency, rescue work should be carried out as soon as possible.
Since the risk of water rescue operations is not less than other hazards, a more complete disaster relief safety management mechanism must be constructed when undertaking rescue services in such a sinister environment. The management mechanism is composed of the team members themselves, the leaders and the commanders at all levels. (Including safety officials) They are jointly responsible for the construction of a three-tiered management mechanism. In addition, colleagues must have basic water rescue capabilities. They must also have appropriate rescue equipment and equipment. They must also use skilled techniques and good team understanding. The safety officer must During and after the assessment of the disaster relief environment, the commander is advised and the commander must analyze, judge, and decide on the rescue operation to achieve the rescue mission with limited information. In the rescue operation, the rescuer The safety guidelines are always the same and ranked first.
Water rescue personnel should generally train solidly, cultivate good physical fitness and various types of rescue skills, and usually implement equipment preparation. No rescue operation should be performed alone. It is necessary to evaluate the on-site environment first and then prepare a rescue strategy to effectively complete the rescue task quickly.
In the special circumstances (except normal environment) that cannot be covered by this guiding principle, the on-site personnel should make use of their professional judgement to integrate the overall situation of people, events, times, places, and objects for the most timely and appropriate disposal.
Second, the accident characteristics
Taiwan’s narrow terrain and high mountains all over the world lead to many and short streams. Taiwan is surrounded by the sea, surrounded by rocky shore terrain in the east and sandy shorelines in the west, causing changes in the natural water environment, hiding many crises, sea areas and rivers. The characteristics of the accident include reefs, winds (waves), tides, large gaps in riverbed, large differences in water temperature, numerous vortex undercurrents, fluctuating river channels, sludge sinking, and wave elimination blocks. These are described as follows:
(A) Reef
Searching and rescue in the reef area, accompanied by a big wave, not only difficult to judge the underwater tide, making the boat possible to break the reef, upside down the possible line, from time to time splashing of the water spray may also be taken after the person into the water, the staff on the reef Rocks falling into the water are vulnerable to coma and various injuries. The sharp corners may cut the skin and cause a lot of blood loss, or may be entangled by changing terrain, rocks, plants or debris, which increases the risk of rescue. Therefore, special attention should be paid to rescue or boat driving on the shore.
(b) Wind (wave)
Wind speed, wind area, and wind time are three factors that cause waves. The stronger the wind, the greater the waves that will be formed. When seahorses are poor, many large waves will increase the danger of rescue workers performing ship search and rescue and diving search operations.
(c) Tides
Relief workers should pay attention to flow velocity, direction, and tides. If you encounter low tide after launching into the water, you will find that the shore becomes very high and cannot reach the shore. Conversely, if wading in the shallows area is searched for and rescued, it will result in deep water and no return to the shore after unconsciously rising tides.
(d) Big drop in river bed
Often seemingly calm waters, hidden underneath the crisis, and the river bed irregularly showing a gradual drop, some parts of the water often hidden deep ditch, or a large gap, a height of up to 3 to 4 meters, resulting in disaster relief personnel have no time to respond, riverbed Drops add more variables to the dangers of streams.
(e) Big drop in water temperature
The temperature difference between the streams in Taiwan is very large. Because the streams flow at different speeds and there are many undercurrents, shallow and deep water layers are often prone to high and low temperature differences. For those who are not familiar with the waters, they often cause cramps on the soles of the feet after they get into the water.
(6) More Vortex Undercurrent
The formation of vortices is mainly due to the sudden change in the speed and direction of the water flow, which is mainly due to the fact that the water flow maintains a straight flow, while the river bank forces the water to turn. At this time, the inner water flow will be returned due to the pressure from the outside. In places where dehydration is filled, vortexes form. These turbulent streams easily flip the people into the water. They lose their sense of direction and panic and increase the risk of hitting the river bank. As a result, river turns, piers, and rocks are often accompanied by urgency. Whirlpool, relief workers should try to avoid doing rescue operations in this area.
(vii) Variable river course
Such severe conditions as typhoon, heavy rain, thunderstorms and so on, when the typhoon is approaching or entering the island, its strong winds and heavy rains will cause river courses to change. Sudden changes will occur to the disaster relief personnel, often due to a reaction failure.
(8) Silt settlement
Taiwan’s typhoon-storms and rainstorms often entrain large amounts of silt and earth and stone. There are many siltation deposits on the riverside. People are not able to move out of difficulties when they are caught in a no-response spot. If they encounter such terrain and environment during disaster relief, they should avoid choosing sites for launching or installing fixed points. .
(9) Clipping blocks
Search and rescue in the waveblock area, followed by a big wave, the line of sight is unknown, will cause disaster relief personnel and search and rescue boat will cut or injured due to this, and even the personnel fall and block the wave and get trapped in the trap, if the card in the cracks between the block It coincides with high tides and is prone to accidents.
Third, the accident history case
(a) Case 1
1. Occurrence time: October 21, 2009
2. Place of occurrence: Within a town in a county
3, the case summary:
Tourists unfortunately were swept away by the waves. Team members Zhang and Lin were reported to go to the rescue. After arriving at the scene, the two crews went out of their way to save their lives. However, due to the fact that the waves were too large, two firefighters were swept away by the huge waves. Lin was rescued, Zhang was missing and was found dead when he was found dead. According to local sources, "The waves here are like fists, and people will be wrapped up and taken outside." The local government has been listed as a dangerous water area by the county government. There are deep trenches not far from the shore, and people outside the country will suffer from topography. Unexpectedly, most foreign talents will come here to play in the water.
4. Casualties: 1 firefighter killed
5. Case review:
In the rescue of the sea area, the boat should be used to assist, ensure and wear full rescue equipment to consider the local walrus for rescue.
(II) Case 2
1. When it happened: July 30, 2001
2. Place of occurrence: Some sandbar
3, the case summary:
The typhoon Taozhi struck. A firefighting unit attended the rescue and rescued six people trapped in the sandbar. The firefighter Lee risked climbing the tree and tried to throw the rope to the trapped people. Unexpectedly, the branches broke and Li fell into the stream. He was rescued ashore by a colleague and immediately sent to the National Military Hospital for emergency treatment. He still returned to the sky and died. Lee severely misbehaved, trapped six people and all were rescued after more than one hour.
4. Casualties: 1 firefighter killed
5. Case review:
Use appliance rescue should consider whether the place of use is safe, and make appropriate safety guarantees. When performing water rescue missions, complete personal protective equipment should be worn.
(III) Case 3
Time of occurrence: October 26, 1988
2, place of occurrence: a stream
3, the case summary:
Team member Li and the team members Wang Mou and Ke Mou and 3 other people dispatched to a river to rescue Qiu Mou and Zhan Mou's mother and son from the trapped river. After Lee contacted the two trapped mother and child, he took the rescue clothes to Zhan Mou. , Fighting for half an hour in the rapids, and finally to help the two mother and child off the coast, but because the emerald reservoir is flooding a lot of floods, Lee saved too much physical strength after the rescue, unfortunately washed away by the flood, died of dereliction of duty.
4. Casualties: 1 firefighter killed
5. Case review:
Before launching the rescue personnel, they should first understand whether there are reservoir floods at the source, install rescue ropes (recommended to use emergency rescue clothes, and have a decoupling function), and if necessary, cooperate with the ropes and shore personnel to take necessary protective measures.
(d) Case four
1. When it happened: October 11, 2014
2, place of occurrence: a fishing port off the coast
3, the case summary:
In order to strengthen the rescue capability of the rescue boats on the coast, the Fire Station carried out training on the operation of rescue boats in the sea off a fishing port on the 3rd consecutive day. Six candidates, including Wu Shui, the chief instructor of the Water Rescue and Rescue Association, served as instructors and 4 instructors for the fire station emergency instructors. On October 11th, the general instructor Wu assessed the situation of the training site and thought that the site conditions could be launched for operation training. There were 8 instructors and trainees of 8 rescue boats going to the sea for operation training. The rescue boat overturned and 38 crew members came ashore safely. Among them, the firefighter Hwang saved the wave block on the North Bank by rescue workers. The external instructor Lai Mou was found on the south bank of Nandi Beach.
4. Casualties: 1 firefighter killed and 1 external instructor died
5. Case review:
When dealing with professional disaster relief training, it is necessary to take into account changes in on-site weather conditions, selection of safety training locations, equipment and spare equipment, and personal protective equipment. (Rescue clothing - 24 lb. or more buoyancy, winter clothes, safety helmets, non-slip shoes, non-slip Gloves, etc.), emergency response handling, professional training instructor experience, and contingency as...etc., with thorough planning and consideration, and in the event of an unexpected situation can properly respond to and ensure the safety of the training process.
(v) Case 5
1. When it happened: November 18, 2013
2, place of occurrence: the shore of a fishing port
3, the case summary:
A firefighting unit continued to carry out rescue and search operations for landing fishers. One of the rescue boats accidentally toppled about 50 meters off the shore of a fishing port, resulting in two police officers and one nominal user losing three persons inadvertently. In the sea, two of the police were dead, and they were killed.
4. Casualties: 1 person who died of justice or death
5. Case review:
(1) Water rescue personnel must wear a full set of water rescue equipment (including helmets, gloves, non-slip shoes, winter clothes, and rescue clothing). The walrus was really bad on that day, and the reefs and cliffs along the coast added to the northeast monsoon. As the winds and waves grew, they suddenly met with a long wave of about 6 meters. The name wears a wetsuit and has a diving professional license, but it still cannot withstand large waves. As a result, it has no signs of life after being rescued.
(2) For rescue boats, be sure to place spare rescue clothing and helmet on the boat, and ask the diving personnel to put on rescue clothing and helmet when they finish the diving task.
Fourth, safety precautions
(a) General rules
1, rescue ability
Rescuers should have professional (rescue, diving) licenses, and be familiar with various underwater break-up skills, so that they can break loose in case they are pulled into the water. Another assessment is whether their ability and strength are sufficient to cope with the current situation.
2, personal protective equipment
Prior to the implementation of the waters rescue, various rescue equipment should be inspected, and personal protective equipment, anti-cold clothing, rescue clothing, helmets, gloves, and non-slip (rubber) shoes should be worn.
3, environmental assessment
Before any rescue operation, the environment [water flow, water velocity, depth, bed drop, water temperature, river course, eddy current, recirculation zone, spoiler area, water turbidity, rock cliff, reef, reef rock, wind (wave) should be evaluated first. , Tides, etc.)) And whether the rescue site is safe and secure.
4, climatic factors
Evaluate weather and water conditions, taking into account the on-site weather changes, such as lightning, excessive storms, etc., and consider factors such as search and rescue boats, equipment and personnel skills, and stop the search and rescue operations when necessary.
5. Reef area or fairway
If a reef area or a surface vessel enters or exits a busy waterway and determines that it is not suitable for the rubber boat to perform search and rescue missions, it shall require the power and responsibility units to carry out vessel control operations or support the appropriate vessels and assign special personnel to sail with the firefighters to perform search and rescue missions. The location of the launching site should be selected to be free from undercurrent or turbulent flow, small waves without a trench or a gentle slope in the water, and obstacles are liable to go up and down.
6. Coastal waters (sea)
(1) Storm affects safety
In the inter-border marine rescue, attention should be paid to weather factors such as wind force, wind direction, wave height and tide, and special attention should be paid to changes in the weather in order to ensure the safety of search and rescue personnel.
(2) Boat search and shore search
The non-reef area can perform search and rescue of boats, and the principle of diving search and rescue is based on the shoreline.
7. Inland waters (river, lake)
(1) Water flow affects safety
Should first understand the source of water, whether there is a reservoir discharge, and consider the flow rate.
(2) Ensure the rescue
During the rescue, in accordance with the on-site rescue situation, if necessary, tie up the ropes and attach rescue ropes to meet the needs of the onshore personnel to take necessary protective measures to maintain personnel safety.
8. Initial judgment
When no one is on the spot, they should first ask if there is a person who has sighted and the location and time of falling into the water. After the judgment, search from a safe place to start a search. If it cannot be found, consider diving rescue personnel.
9, land appliance rescue
The safest way to save lives is to use land (shore) and appliances (bamboo poles, ropes, torpedo buoys, rescue rings, throwing rope bags, and rope winches) as much as possible. Try to avoid unarmed rescue operations. The danger of unarmed rescue is very high. When the rescuer is drowning, the struggling behavior increases the danger to the rescuer. To successfully rescue the unarmed person, it must have good physical ability and wisdom and excellent The technology may not be readily implemented rashly.
10, swimming rescue
(1) Assessing the launch point
To conduct environmental assessments, it is relatively easy to look at where the water is coming from, where it is faster and safer, and where to bring the culprit to shore. It is necessary to make a preliminary judgment before launching the rescue.
(2) Avoid Backward Tour
It is advisable to go straight in the parallel or upstream area of ​​the squatter and avoid the need to swim backwards to get close to the rescuer.
(3) 2 people or more into the water
Should be more than 2 people into the water rescue, if necessary, can wear flippers to help swim and rescue people.
(4) Equipment Rescue
Can be used in conjunction with the rescue circle, torpedo buoys and other equipment, the effect is better and more secure.
(5) Struggling
In order to swim up to the front of the leader, the eye must look at the status of the deceased. Do not rely on the deaf person to get too close or approach the deceased person directly and avoid being caught by the struggling ones. They should be approached from the rear and towed ashore.
(6) Ensure staff on shore
Swimming rescue is very dangerous. In addition to savers, the rest of the shore should be ready to respond to support at any time.
(b) Commonly Used Various Water Rescue Equipment
1, the rescue circle
(1) Attach the rescue ring to a floating rope.
(2) The rescue circle should be quickly thrown into the drowning staff. The rescue circle should be thrown at the upper winds of the drowning person. If there is no wind, the rescue circle should be thrown as close as possible to the person falling into the water.
(3) If the place to be thrown is too far from the leader, consider retrieving and re-throwing.
2, floating woven rope
(1) The floating rope itself should be kept smooth during use, and should not be knotted. It should be used quickly for disaster relief.
(2) Floating ropes are special ropes for water rescue. Do not use it for land rescue or other purposes.
3, throwing rope gun (tube)
(1) Before filling the inflator, make sure that the safety switch is closed, check the O-ring in the connector, and confirm that the connector is fixed.
(2) The pressure during inflation shall not exceed its specified pressure. After filling, the air in the high pressure pipe shall be relieved before it can be removed.
(3) The rope should be placed obliquely in front of the launcher (barrel) and it is not reliable to get too close to it in order to avoid hooking on the rope during launch.
(4) When launching, the gun body must be tightened to maintain its own stability so as to reduce the impact of recoil force during launch.
(5) Do not fire directly at trapped persons during launch.
(6) The mouth of the throwing cannon (tube) must not be directed at anyone to avoid accidental accidental shooting.
(7) The throwing gun (barrel) must be carefully maintained to prevent accidental use.
4, torpedo buoys
Swimming rescue can be used in conjunction with torpedo buoys, which are better and safer.
5, throwing rope bag
(1) After taking out the throwing rope bag, grasp the rope loop at one end by hand, and do not wrap the rope around the wrist or fix it on the body, so as to avoid being taken away when rescued.
(2) The savior should lower his center of gravity or place his foot against trees or rocks to increase stability and avoid instant pulling.
6, rescue clothing
(1) Adjust the straps on both sides of the waist. The elasticity should be as moderate as possible to prevent people from falling into the water.
(2) Adjust the tightness by tying the two straps around the buttocks to the lower abdomen and the lower abdomen buckle. The degree of tightness should be as moderate as possible to prevent the person from falling in the water.
(3) Before use, check whether the rescue clothing is damaged or not.
7, rapids rescue clothing
(1) Adjust the straps on both sides of the waist. The elasticity should be as moderate as possible to prevent people from falling into the water.
(2) Before use, check whether the rescue clothing is damaged, whether it is broken or not, and whether the ring is usable.
8, dry winter clothes
(1) Dry-type winter clothes are generally produced in sets. In order to maintain their functions, the use of dispensing personnel is a principle.
(2) Before use, check whether there is any damage or not, whether the pipeline connection and peripheral components are missing, and after the dress is completed, test the inflator exhaust device to confirm that the operation is normal.
(3) Before putting on a dry-type winter clothes to go into the water, the parts should be carefully inspected for positioning.
(4) The use of dry-type winter clothes requires professional training and is not recommended without training.
(c) Dive rescue
1, warm-up exercises
Warm-up exercises should be performed before entering the water, and no more than the depth of physical loads can be forcibly infiltrated.
2, diving environment assessment
(1) Meteorological, environmental, and hydrological information pooling, and information on the sea and water areas of local residents.
(2) The snorkeling or fish exploration machine is used to detect the depth of water at the point of accident. When the water is turbid, it should be detected in advance by various equipment.
(3) If the conditions of the dive rescue site are too bad, search and rescue nets or hooks and other equipment may be used to conduct searches based on the conditions.
(4) Calibration of landing point and selection of appropriate dive sites.
3, dive plan
Establish a communication contact method, delineate the dive search area, select the search method, assign the diving task, alert the emergency situation and set the dive time.
4, equipment inspection
(1) Gas volume: Above the standard, listen to the sound of leaks.
(2) Respiratory test: Primary and secondary head inhalation test, breathe 3 breaths, and see if the pressure gauge is normal.
(3) Head and Gloves: Wear hoods, gloves, and check for completeness.
(4) BCD: Inflate 3 times and watch the pressure gauge at the same time to confirm whether the charge and exhaust valve is normal. BCD must be inflated before launching.
(5) Inspect the pipeline: Make sure all pipelines are entangled.
(6) Check accessories: Check the position of the knife, scissors, and light.
(7) Weight belt: The diver can confirm that he can quickly remove it with his right hand, and the length of the weight belt should be more than a certain length to prevent loosening.
(8) Shoes, Mirrors: Put on flippers to prevent people from slipping between rocks and avoid slipping accidents and choose a mirror that suits their face.
5. Set up diving flag (ball)
Diving area should be set up with a diving flag (ball) to inform passing ships that this party has divers.
6, diving search and rescue
(1) A search and rescue team should be formed. It is advisable to group 4 to 5 people into one group. At the same time, when the water is loaded into the water, and it is also landed on the shore, if it does not cause panic and water, you should take care of each other to ensure that you and your partner are safe to prevent injury.
(2) Pay attention to the pressure condition of the water itself. During the dive process, the pressure gauge and the depth gauge should be checked at any time as soon as possible and the pressure is always balanced.
(3) Do not descend or rise sharply. When you rise, your hand will extend upwards and your eyes will look upwards.
(4) Into the water should avoid being hooked, stuck, anti-sharp objects (iron bars, glass fragments) cut.
(5) The shore (ship) has reserved auxiliary safety to ensure personnel, and the diver will also attach ropes to keep in touch with the personnel on the shore (ship).
7, back-up divers
Make sure the standby divers are on standby. Before the dive is done, make sure that the reserve diver is on shore or on board to prepare emergency assistance.
V. Water rescue is a very dangerous task in firefighting and rescue service. The overall consideration should be given to self-safety in the overall rescue operation. Followed by the rescue operations colleagues, the safety of the rescuers is the only one. All disaster relief personnel perform their duties. At the time, in addition to having good rescue skills and understanding of the characteristics of the waters, it should be based on the various technologies and capabilities learned, be calm, step by step, and carry out disaster relief in order to achieve a plan, efficiency, and safety.
(This article is not related to illustrations, only examples)
This article is edited and compiled by China Rescue Equipment Network. Please indicate the link.
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