1, the pump clean around. 2, in the bearing box with oil cup into the amount of calcium-based butter. 3, adjust the packing gland tightness. 4, Check whether the steering of the motor is consistent with the steering of the pump 5, Open the bleed-off screw at the outlet flange to open the stop valve of the return pipe, and fill the pump with water through the funnel. 6, close the outlet valve, screw on the deflation plug. 7, the above work is completed. After moving motor. 8. When the pump is running at normal speed, gradually open the outlet gate valve ^ until the desired flow and lift, the pump in the long run, should be within the provisions of the flow and lift within the scope of work to get the maximum energy saving. The pump is running and should not run beyond the high flow point in the performance chart. 9, in operation, the bearing temperature shall not exceed the outside temperature limit temperature is not greater than 75 ℃. 10, the packing room leaking degree is not linear is appropriate to keep the shaft and packing normal lubrication and cooling 11, the pump shaft seal mechanical seal selection. Must be filled with water before starting to prevent mechanical seal dry running. 12, when the pump is stopped, you should close the gate valve on the outlet pipe, and then stop the motor running. 13, the pump found in operation abnormal 矂 sound, should stop immediately check the reasons. 14, the winter freezing season, such as short-term disable the pump.Increase the flushing pipe on the bottom of the tee on the drain plug or unscrew the mouth flange 180 °. Direction of the plug on the drain plug, let go of the pump in the water, to prevent cracking of the pump. 15, the pump after long-term use. When the flow rate, pressure drop significantly, the pump should be disassembled to inspect, replace its worn parts. 16, the long-term stop using the pump when the pump should be disassembled. Dry the pump parts moisture to remove rust and rust-proof grease coated, and then properly stored after installation. Pump during the period of deactivation (especially used to do Fire pump). Must be started every 1 month operation time of not less than 5 minutes to ensure the reliable operation of the pump.
Our company produces a vary of specifications of Glass Particles and glass-lumps which can be used in ordinary pavement of road to shorten braking distance effectively, to improve the warning role and to decelerate in advance to achieve safety. Pavement laid with this product will not peel off and maintain function well after a long time wheel friction.
It is also used in the decoration of building outer-walls and all kinds of ceramic. There is mainly 1-2 mm, 2-3 mm, 3-4 mm, 600-850 microns, 300-600 microns, 180-300, and less than 180 microns etc. as well customized specifications customers require.
The glass bead can be produced based on the standard of countries or areas, such as EN1423/1424, AASHTO M247, BS6088, JIS R3301 and KS L2521 etc.
Glass Particles
Glass Particles,Plastic Glass Particles,Color Fireproof Glass Particles,Crushed Colored Glass Particles
CHIYE GLASS BEAD (HEBEI) CO., LTD , http://www.chiyeglassbeads.com