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Principles for indoor shocks during an earthquake: Protect your head from nearby safe corners, such as under the bed, under the table, and in small-span houses. When earthquakes occur, you can use the pillows and cushions prepared in advance to protect the head. If not, you can use both hands. Hold your head to avoid it. Once the vibration stops, we must quickly evacuate to a safe place, be on guard against the aftershocks of the aftershocks, prevent further losses from occurring, and follow the command of emergency rescue personnel.
Prevent the occurrence of secondary disasters: Cut off the power supply and air supply to prevent fires.
Bungalow shock: try to protect the head, rushing out of the house to the empty area, if it is too late, it will be determined under the hard furniture and wait for the opportunity to transfer.
Building shock absorbers: follow the dodge principle. Protect your head and evade your bed or table under a “safety corner†or in a small open space such as a kitchen, bathroom, storage room, etc. Do not jump and wait until strong earthquakes are evacuated.
Evacuate high-rise buildings: Take a safe passage when
evacuating from a high-rise building. Do not take the elevator.
Shock in the classroom: Do not run outside the classroom. Should quickly protect the head with a schoolbag, hold your head, close your eyes, and hide under their own desks. After the earthquake, transfer to the outside of the classroom under the guidance of the teacher.
Stadiums, theaters shock absorbers: squat or kneel under the bench; protect the head with a schoolbag, etc.; pay attention to avoid hanging lights, electric fans and other hanging objects; do not panic to the exit, avoid the crowded crowd, avoid being squeezed To the wall or fence.
Shock absorbers at shopping malls, bookstores, exhibition halls, subways, etc.: Choose strong counters, goods (such as low furniture, etc.) or pillars, and internal corners, etc., squat down and protect your head with hands or other things; avoid Glass doors, windows, glass windows, or counters; Avoid shelves that are highly unstable or place heavy objects or fragile goods; Avoid billboards, chandeliers, and other high hanging objects.
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