In the upholstery, the small block of the handle is indispensable. Generally, cabinets made of woodworking can use dark handles and hidden handles. However, the system cabinets that are frequently used at present are these dark handles, chamfered handles, or curved handles. In fact, there are difficulties in production. How to choose the correct handle? Considering the smooth operation and compound style, in fact, there are collocations!
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Single handle
This type of handle is suitable for small-sized drawers or cupboards. It is decorated in a single style with a small area of ​​cabinets. It can be used in accordance with the habit of personal exertion, choose round or square, or even a small shape of the handle.
Groove handle
In the part close to the cabinet, a ㄇ word is formed, which is a grip that the hand can hold tightly. This design makes the opening force of the cupboard sufficient, and it is not easy to have a hand-slip, so this type of handle is particularly suitable Used in kitchen appliances and large lockers, it is not easy to be injured due to improper use.
Shape handle
There are many color options in the system cabinet. In the children's room, the sky blue or pink color is usually selected. At this time, the color of the system cabinet can be used to match the shape of the handle. Many cartoon patterns are suitable for use in the children's room and increase the number of children. The fun of the room.
Inline handle
Parents of young children in their homes will worry about protruding handles, and may cause children to run into and jump into the room. The design of their handles is becoming more and more, and there are also built-in handles to choose from. Round, square, or in-corner handles make it safer for children to play. Share a common handle mostly fog silver or bright silver, in fact, not only the silver handle, there are now bronze handles, according to the style can be more arbitrary with the yo!
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Taps and dies are tools used to create purpose screw threads, which is called threading. Many are cutting tools; others are forming tools. A tap is used to cut or form the female portion of the mating pair (e.g. a nut). A die is used to cut or form the male portion of the mating pair (e.g. a bolt). The process of cutting or forming threads using a tap is called tapping, whereas the process using a die is called threading.
Using an ordinary tap or die to clean threads generally removes some material, which results in looser, weaker threads. Because of this, machinists generally clean threads with special taps and dies-called chasers-made for that purpose.
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