We know that network marketing is a new type of marketing method. During the financial crisis, many companies were able to get out of the predicament and survive the crisis. More and more companies are valued and applied. However, in the survey of customers in the Pearl River Delta region, the author found that in the hardware industry, most companies still rely on traditional marketing methods, while online marketing is used as a means of supporting corporate publicity, focusing on publicity and sales. .
I randomly selected a hardware company in Dongguan when the boss introduced the enterprise agent of the bearing products, the brand is complete, and good quality and affordable prices. Internet marketing has the advantages of convenience, speed, and low cost, but the company does not benefit directly from online marketing, making the company's sales performance has been in a stable state. Internet marketing is an important marketing model of the company, but the company focuses on traditional marketing. Customers will eventually go from the network to the reality to conduct transactions. Therefore, the network is a propaganda and dissemination for enterprises to develop more high-quality potential customers.
In the hardware industry, the popularity of online marketing is relatively weak compared to other industries such as clothing, electronics, etc. This may be due to the low barriers to entry in the Chinese hardware industry, the uneven level of education of many business owners, and thus awareness of network marketing This may be caused by the special properties of the hardware products and the hardware market. But overall, with the rapid development of the Internet economy such as e-commerce and online shopping, the hardware entrepreneurs' awareness of online marketing is constantly improving, and with the diversification of online marketing methods and methods, the original single network marketing model is also Will gradually enter the era of integration of business E.