Customized work clothes What are the precautions? Let China labor protection network Xiaobian answer for you, and now many companies are doing corporate culture, through corporate culture can achieve publicity, many business units will customize their own unique work clothes, and custom clothes is certainly not a Both of them are basically customized in batches, so do you know the precautions for batching custom work clothes? If you don't know, it doesn't matter. Next, let's explain it to you.
We summed up four points of attention and shared with you:
Style: The style of the men’s overalls can be reflected in the length of the entire dress, the fat and the changes in the head, the split, the button, and the pocket.
Mounted horizontal: high-grade overalls decorate more stress. If plastic bags are packed, hangers are provided, sometimes with a spare tie, the trademark is delicate and sewn in underwear pockets.
Workmanship: first look at the left and right sides of the work clothes, especially the lap pockets, whether completely symmetrical and flat; button, pocket position is correct and correct; sleeves, collars, front cymbals, and whether the overall ironing is smooth compliance; finally see whether the stitches are well-proportioned, stitching Whether the line, button and fabric color are consistent or coordinated, there are wireless first class.
Texture: It is better to choose wool fabrics and overalls fabrics for the overalls. The materials are firm, crisp, strong in shape, and inexpensive. You can use your hand to pick up the Takubika and release it. If you feel that Topji Kai is very rigid and not stiff, it is not hard, it does not leave any folds, it is elastic, and it feels strong when you touch it. This shows that the quality of clothing is better. After checking the clothing, there is no "two skins" phenomenon indicating that the quality of the adhesive lining is better. A poor fusible interlining keeps the clothes crisp, but the handkerchief stiffens and stiffens.
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