When the rainy season, wood furniture pest control maintenance battle!

With the advent of autumn, the lingering autumn rain season has begun. Several cooldowns have not only reduced the summer heat that has been clamoring but also brought about the rainy season. Whether it is spring rain or autumn rain, when the rainy season comes, the home's timber furniture can suffer. Even in some places with heavy rain, there are termites. We all know that termites are commonly referred to as “water ants” and often appear before and after heavy rain. Termites eat wood, and many families’ wooden furniture cannot survive. In the face of these pests, how can wooden furniture remove termites ? Let's take a look at how wooden furniture can get rid of termites .

1. Close the doors and windows.

Before and after the rainy season, be careful to close the doors and windows to prevent termites from entering the cracks in the windows and doors. Since termites are phototaxis insects, in the rainy season, if you turn on the lights in your home, you must close the doors and windows and plug the gaps.

2, keep the room dry

Termites like to come and go in a humid environment, so after heavy rain, be sure to open the doors and windows, ventilated air, keep the room dry. If it is raining for a long time, try to put some lime in the room or empty it.

3, do not stack wood at the doorstep

Termites like to drill for mating spawning in wood, and wood piles are the favorite places for termites. Many people will choose autumn decoration, and some of their neighbors will inevitably face some wood. At this time, the owners need to pay attention to try to keep the wood dry if there is a sun. Always dry the wood, and beware of bringing wood with termites into your home!

4, sun exposure

If termites have been found in furniture or wood, the termite-infested wood or furniture can be cleaned and then exposed to the sun. This method can effectively disperse termites and kill termite eggs.

5, boric acid method

In addition to sun exposure, some agents can also be used to kill termites. If boric acid is used, boric acid is sprayed on the common active area of ​​termites to induce termites to eat. When the termite returns to the nest, it will spread 10 to 100, just like a virus, effectively killing termites!

6, keep the furniture clean and clean

Usually people are worried about termites appearing. They are often worried that the wooden furniture will be crippled by termites. Usually, we need to clean and clean regularly to keep the wooden furniture clean and tidy from the inside out. In this way, termites can be detected and eradicated in time if they are improperly maintained. !

About the wood furniture how to get rid of termite related content, Xiao Bian introduced it to everyone here, and hope to be helpful to everyone! In fact, apart from some remote areas, termites are rarely seen in cities. However, everyone still has to take preventive measures. For more information, please follow this site!

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