There are many kinds of wallpapers and they are widely used. Most families use wallpaper to decorate more or less when decorating houses. In addition to the traditional decoration of the entire wall, the wallpaper can also be attached to only some of the walls, with the edge of the decorative wallpaper, the wallpaper is "inlaid", making a painting on the wall can also be the decoration of the wall. Add more creativity. At present, textile wallpapers, fabric wallpapers and straw wallpapers are the main products on the market, each with different characteristics.
Fabric wallpaper: Fabric wallpaper, also known as decorative wall covering, is a new type of wallpaper that has been popular in the past two years. This type of wallpaper is generally used in the TV wall decoration of many homes as well as the bed background of the bedroom.
Features: Strong texture, non-toxic, breathable, sound-absorbing, less static, and tensile strength is 5 times that of ordinary wallpaper. Do not wipe with a damp cloth. Use only a vacuum cleaner.
Suitable area: living room TV wall, bedroom bed background, study part wall
Shopping Tips: There are many types of fabric wallpapers. The high-quality fabric wallpaper can be seen with a high degree of color and cleanliness. The texture is smooth and the texture can be felt evenly with a touch. If you are not assured, the quality can be checked by "smell" to check the pungent smell, and check the environmental performance of the glue and whether the number is consistent with the lot number.
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