A vacuum pump is a device that creates, improves and maintains a vacuum in a confined space in a variety of ways. A vacuum pump can be defined as a device or device that uses a mechanical, physical, chemical or physico-chemical method to evacuate a drawn vessel to obtain a vacuum. As vacuum applications evolve, the variety of vacuum pumps has evolved in many ways, with pumping speeds ranging from a few tenths of a second to hundreds of thousands per second and millions of liters. According to the working principle of vacuum pump, vacuum pump can basically be divided into two types, namely, gas transmission pump and gas trap pump. With the application of vacuum technology in the field of production and scientific research more and more wide range of its application pressure, most of the need to be composed of several vacuum pump vacuum exhaust system together to meet the requirements of production and scientific research process, due to Because of the wide range of working pressures involved in the vacuum application sector, it is not possible for any type of vacuum pump to be perfectly suitable for all working pressure ranges. Different types of vacuum pumps can only be used depending on the pressure range and operating requirements Vacuum pump. In order to facilitate the use and various vacuum process needs, sometimes a variety of vacuum pumps according to their performance requirements combined with the unit type application. Gas delivery pump Gas delivery pump is a vacuum pump that allows the gas to continuously inhale and discharge to achieve the purpose of pumping air. Can be divided into variable capacity vacuum pump and momentum transfer pump Variable capacity vacuum pump is the use of cyclical changes in the volume of the pump to complete the process of inhalation and exhaust a vacuum pump. The gas is compressed before being discharged. This pump is divided into two kinds of reciprocating and rotary. Momentum transfer pump is to rely on high-speed rotating blades or high-speed jet, the momentum transfer to gas or gas molecules, the gas from the pump inlet to the outlet continuously. Specific can be divided into molecular vacuum pump, jet vacuum pump, diffusion pump, diffusion jet pump and ion transport pump five. Gas trap pump is a gas transfer pump gas molecules are adsorbed or condensed on the pump's internal surface, thereby reducing the number of gas molecules in the container to achieve the purpose of pumping vacuum pump, can be divided into adsorption pump, suction Gas pump, getter ion pump and cryogenic pump.
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