U.S. R&D New Technology Accelerates Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production

According to reports recently organized by the Physicist Organization Network, American scientists have developed an atomic-scale "chaotic engineering" technology that can convert inefficient "white" titanium dioxide nanoparticles into highly efficient "black" nanoparticles in photocatalytic reactions. Scientists said that the latest technology is expected to become the key to hydrogen clean energy technology.

Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and the Environmental Energy Technology Center at the Berkeley-Laurence National Laboratory, led by a team of researchers, developed the technology to introduce "chaotic engineering" into the structure of semiconductor nanocrystals of titanium dioxide through engineering methods. The white crystal turns black and the new crystal not only absorbs infrared light but also absorbs visible light and ultraviolet light. At the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in New Orleans, Samuel Mao pointed out: “We have already demonstrated that black titanium dioxide nanoparticles can produce hydrogen through the photocatalytic reaction driven by sunlight, and the efficiency has reached a new high.”

Samuel Mao explained: “In the experiment, we exposed white titanium dioxide nanoparticles to high pressure hydrogen, disrupted the structure of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, and synthesized black titanium dioxide nanoparticles became a durable and efficient photocatalyst. , but also has new potential."

Hydrogen can be widely used in cleaning batteries or fuels, and will not accelerate global warming. However, the biggest challenge in the use of hydrogen is how to efficiently and cost-effectively produce hydrogen on a large scale. Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, pure hydrogen is rare on Earth because hydrogen binds to any other type of atom. The use of sunlight to decompose water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen is an ideal way to produce pure hydrogen, but this process requires a photocatalyst that is highly efficient and is not corroded by water. Titanium dioxide resists the corrosion of water, but it cannot absorb ultraviolet rays, and ultraviolet rays Occupy 10% of the sun's energy.

Samuel Mao’s latest research has changed this situation. The latest technology not only provides a promising new photocatalyst for the hydrogen production process, but also dissolves some deep-rooted scientific concepts. Samuel Mao said: "Our tests show that a good semiconductor photocatalyst does not have to be a single crystal with a minimum helium and an energy state just below the conduction band."

In addition, characterization studies conducted by the Berkeley Laboratory Advanced Light Source Center showed that during 100 hours of solar-driven hydrogen production, 40 milligrams of hydrogen were derived from photocatalytic reactions and only 0.05 milligrams of hydrogen were absorbed by black titanium dioxide. (Liu Xia)

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