Training of Green Watermelon Technology in Xinjian Town, Fenggang County, Guizhou Province

On April 8, the newly-established township of Fenggang County organized green watermelon technology training. The training invited Zunyi’s agricultural and rural work consultant and fruit and vegetable expert Wang Jiang to give lectures. Over 50 villagers from Taihe, Guantian and New watermelon planting villages participated in the training.

According to the requirements of creating green food brands, combined with actual production, the training includes green watermelon efficient cultivation techniques, green watermelon pest control technology and agricultural branding, standardization and other aspects of knowledge and how to organize watermelon professional cooperatives, new watermelon how to apply for trademarks Registration, etc.

At this time, although the watermelon planting season was taking place, the melon farmers still gave up their labor in the fields and enthusiastically participated in the training. The enthusiasm for attending classes was high. During the training, the melon farmers raised a lot of questions about the cultivation of watermelons, and experts answered them one by one.

The villager Zhu Jun'an said: The agricultural experts gave us training and delivery technology in this season. It was too timely. Not only did we learn new techniques for watermelon cultivation, but we also learned about green food production. We also recognize that melons can't just pursue high yields, but also pay attention to quality. Only in this way can we get better harvests.

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