The harm of unreasonable fertilization to cotton

First, the type of fertilization is unreasonable: heavy application of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, light application of organic fertilizer, micro-fertilizer and potassium fertilizer is the main reason for the decline of cotton disease resistance and early premature aging, which seriously affects the increase of cotton yield.
Second, the amount of fertilization is unreasonable: In the past, 30-500 kg of diammonium was applied per mu, and in recent years, the amount per mu was increased to 80-100 kg. Because the application rate of nitrogen fertilizer is too large, cotton is prone to mid-term madness and early premature aging, resulting in a decrease in cotton yield.
3. The fertilization period is unreasonable: some cotton farmers' cotton fields are late for topdressing, causing cotton to be greedy, and the madness is so strong that in the later period, when the cotton is picked up, the plants appear mad, and the blind cockroaches are serious, causing the buds to fall off, causing yield. decline.
Fourth, the fertilization method is unreasonable: some cotton farmers apply top dressing in the small line, too close to the root, the emergence of fertilizer root burning or mechanical burning, causing premature aging of cotton, affecting yield.
5. Slightly ignoring micro-fertilizer spraying: In the cotton field lacking boron, zinc and calcium, micro-element fertilizer should be sprayed. This measure has not caused the attention of cotton farmers, causing the cotton buds to fall off a lot and affecting the increase of cotton yield.
Huaxian Agricultural Technology Promotion Center Lu Shuguang
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