The advantages of laser technology - breakthrough high-strength steel processing technology

Automakers are increasingly relying on laser technology for processing high-strength steel. Whether used for welding, cutting or surface treatment, the economic advantages of laser processing are further reflected.

High-strength steel is increasingly used in the automotive industry, which further reduces the manufacturing cost of automobiles. The reason is that the use of high-strength steel reduces the number of parts in the assembly process of the automobile, thereby reducing the production cost, reducing the weight of the entire vehicle, and ultimately reducing the fuel consumption of the automobile.

Laser surfacing application - surface wear treatment

The use of new steel is not always smooth, without any obstacles. In order to obtain high strength or ultra high strength properties, auto parts are usually subjected to pressure hardening during molding. The "Cool Tool" project at the Institute of Mold and Molding at the Graz Institute of Technology in Austria is conducting this research. The solution consists of a mold processing system for low temperature tempering of the pressure hardening process. This system utilizes improved technology to more economically compress harden the boronized alloy steel. The geometry of the cooling channels is as simple as the network inside the mold, optimizing cooling and heating and reducing cycle times.

The mold is usually made of ductile iron material, which has low cost and is convenient for secondary processing. However, it has problems such as low surface strength and poor wear resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a layer of high hardness material to the high load area. Powder surfacing can do this. Laser powder surfacing has proven to be a good way to accomplish this. TRUMPF Laser Systems has also conducted research on this process and has developed a Direct Metal Deposition (DMD).

In this process, the metal powder is fed into the laser puddle of the workpiece surface in a direction coaxial with the laser beam without having to preheat the workpiece. The metal powder together with the matrix material forms a high strength wear resistant metallurgical mixture. Compared with the traditional sintering method, laser powder deposition has unparalleled advantages: small heat input, increased hardness and surface crack reduction; limited internal hardness of the coating, good friction coefficient; minimal deformation of the matrix material, residual stress in forming Does not cause cracks. And laser powder deposition can be used for automated production.

3D laser cutting - an irreplaceable method

Trimming is another challenge for high strength steel. Three-dimensional laser cutting is suitable for the cutting of sheet metal parts, especially for steel plates up to 1500 MPa, because no other processing methods can be substituted. In this case, there is no need for the user to invest in expensive stamping equipment and cutting equipment. Because the processing time of these high-hardness materials can be greatly shortened, the laser cutting does not need to consider these problems, and it has the advantages of short installation time, flexible product replacement or sample production.

TRUMPF's three-dimensional laser product TruLaserCell has been applied to the cutting of the Volkswagen Side B side, including trimming. The B side is thermoformed from high-strength steel, which is high in hardness and subject to large stresses. The B side wall made of high-strength steel increases the impact resistance and improves the safety of the car. This is also the reason why automakers are willing to use the high cost of high-strength steel.

Laser welding - efficiency, flexibility, economy

The laser can be used for both high-strength steel and welding. Laser welding is more efficient, more economical, and the quality of the weld is greatly improved. However, laser welding requires higher precision and the investment cost of the laser is relatively high.

Similar to laser cutting, one of the advantages of laser welding is the small amount of heat input. Because for high-strength steels, some of these alloys lose high-strength properties in the case of excessive heat input. Laser welding is also a high-quality process with very little thermal deformation, which hardly causes warpage of the material and its precision is unparalleled. In addition, the laser can be used to weld certain unimaginable parts, such as the sewer and the roof connection. Moreover, laser welding requires less flanges than conventional spot welding, which also reduces body weight and fuel consumption. To achieve these advantages, continuous welds are necessary.

Scanner Welding offers higher welding efficiency, greater flexibility and greater economy, especially when some parts require many short lap welds. Scanning welding is also known as Remote Welding, a dynamic welding process that uses a scanning mirror. The usual workpiece movement or welding mirror movement time is reduced. One or two galvanometers quickly switch the laser beam between the welds in the scanning lens, requiring almost zero time. The greater the distance between the welds, the greater the number of welds on the workpiece, and the more obvious the advantages of this technique. Welds of various shapes can be used without increasing the welding time, which further reduces the thermal deformation. With this technology, the welding time can be reduced by 60%. Therefore, a scanning mirror workstation can replace several conventional welding stations.

After using this scanning welding technology, the structural parts of the automobile body can be made more flexible. The shape of the weld can be in different forms depending on the strength of the weld. Thus, the size of the Solder bump can be further reduced with respect to resistance spot welding. The automotive industry has therefore benefited from lighter weight and more economical high-strength components. Moreover, laser scanning welding only requires welding from one side of the workpiece, which can reduce the size of the joint, reduce the weight of the body but ensure the strength of the body.

For example, a scanning and soldering station can be implemented using a TrumaScan L4000 with a TFC laser or a PFO with an industrial robot. This type of workstation can also process the entire body in three dimensions. Trumpf's high beam quality TruDisk solid state lasers are used in conjunction with robotic systems for scanning welding.

Research on the future body structure shows that the scanning welding system can reduce the investment cost by 30%, reduce the processing area by 50%, and shorten the processing time by 60% compared with resistance spot welding.

in conclusion

Laser technology opens up a new channel for processing high-strength steel and improves economic efficiency. It is expected that laser technology will have a huge impact on automotive design in the future.

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