Stirring friction welding application

I. Overview

In 1991, the British Welding Research Institute (TWI) invented the friction stir welding (FSW). Since then, based on this solid phase connection technology, it has obvious advantages, such as: excellent joint force, student energy, no need to fill welding materials, no welding smoke method. And splashing, very little pre-weld preparation and welding deformation, etc., a lot of research and development work has been carried out in the world. In addition, the friction stir welding aluminum alloy materials can be welded, such as 2000, 5000 series and 7000 series high-strength aluminum alloys used in aviation and aerospace, and can also use this advanced welding method to connect to high quality. The British Welding Research Institute Dave NICHOLAS has ordered that the agitating friction welding process is the most attractive welding method since the advent of laser welding. It has revolutionized the non-ferrous metal joining technology such as aluminum alloy.

In April 2002, Beijing Aviation Manufacturing Engineering Research Institute and the British Welding Research Institute (TWI) patented technology for friction stir welding were officially signed. The patented technology for exclusive frictional welding of the friction stir welding patent was granted, and the friction stir welding was opened for the Chinese market. Technical research, development, and the door to large-scale industrial applications.

Second, the application status of aluminum alloy stirring friction welding

Stirring friction welding (FSW) technology has many unique advantages. Light alloy materials (such as aluminum, copper, magnesium, zinc, etc.) have unmatched advantages over other welding methods in connection welding methods, mechanical properties and production efficiency. Stirring friction welding is a solid phase joining method. The welded joint has excellent mechanical properties and small welding deformation. It does not need to add protective gas and welding wire during welding, and there is no melting, soot, splash and arc. It is an environmentally friendly new connection. technology. This is indeed the case. After a few years after the introduction of friction stir welding (FSW) technology, great progress has been made in welding mechanisms, applicable materials, welding equipment and engineering applications. Stirring friction welding (FSW) technology was originally used to solve the welding of aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys and zinc alloys. The welding and welding (FSW) process characteristics and applications, the British Welding Research Institute conducted more research, in 1993, 1995 applied for worldwide patent protection. At present, the institute cooperates with welding equipment manufacturers such as aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding, high-speed trains and automobiles, and international large companies to research and develop the friction stir welding (FSW) technology in the form of group sponsorship or cooperation (TWIGSP project). Expand its range of applications.

Currently, research projects sponsored by industrial enterprises include: large-thickness aluminum alloy friction welding, steel friction welding, titanium alloy friction welding, and automotive lightweight components. The American Edison Welding Institute (EWI) works closely with TWI and also conducts FSW process research. Lockheed, United States. Martin Aerospace, Marshall Space Flight Center, US Naval Research Year, Dartmuth University, Stuttgart University, Australia, Adelaide University, Australia and the Australian Welding Institute have specialised research on agitated friction welding (FSW) from different angles.

1. Application of aluminum alloy stirring friction welding in aerospace field

Stirring friction welding (FSW) research is further progressing, and the friction stir welding equipment is gradually moving from the laboratory to commercial use. TWI applied this technology to produce three 2000 series aluminum alloy spacecraft fuel tanks for Boeing; Lockheed, USA. Martin, Boeing-McDow, Rockwell Group, Edison Welding Institute and many other organizations are currently working on agitated friction welding research, application evaluation and development. Aerospace is suitable for welding structures with FSW technology, including: military or civil aircraft skins, spacecraft medium and low temperature fuel tanks, aircraft fuel tanks, military aircraft fuel tanks, military or scientific exploration rockets, etc.; Lockheed, USA. Martin Aerospace used this technology to weld a spacecraft external storage liquid oxygen cryocontainer; the Marshall Space Flight Center has also used this technology to weld large cylindrical vessels.

Boeing invested millions of dollars to build a large-scale dedicated friction stir welder for large-scale cryogenic fuel containers for Delta launch vehicles. BAE Airbus is testing the FSW technology for method, performance and feasibility, for the production of medium-sized and For large commercial aircraft, the agitator friction welder is manufactured by GRAVFORD-SWIFT, which is said to be the largest power welder in Europe. The US ECLIPSE (Lunar Eclipse) airline will use FSW to build a 10.86m long, 11.94m mid-size aircraft. Figure 1 shows the E500IPSE company's $300 million development of the E500 new energy-saving small jet high-altitude aircraft. The company estimates that the use of FSW can reduce the rib and frame assembly time on the fuselage wall panel by 80%, reducing the aircraft cost to $837,000. The main structural parts and skins of the aircraft are all manufactured by the latest international connection technology - agitating friction welding technology. The passenger aircraft fuselage is basically made by friction stir welding, including aircraft skins, ribs, string supports, aircraft. Board and structural parts assembly, etc.

Stirring friction welding (FSW) applications are mainly used to improve production efficiency and reduce manufacturing costs. The agitating friction welding process for aerospace structural parts is jointly developed by TWI and ALCOA of the United States, and then applied to ECLIPSE500 aircraft structural parts welding. In September 2000, the company made preliminary design evaluation and certification of the Aircraft Safety Committee. In June 2001, it determined the feasibility of manufacturing a friction stir welding aircraft. In 2001, it began to manufacture agitating and friction welding aircraft structural parts. It flew in June 2002 and was launched in June. From the 29th to the 1st of July, the new aircraft was shown to the public. At present, hundreds of customers have rushed to order this new modest and cut-off business aircraft.

2. Application of aluminum alloy friction stir welding in the field of shipbuilding

At present, based on friction stir welding (FSW) welding methods, mechanical properties, manufacturing costs and environmental advantages, and potential industrial applications, in the field of shipbuilding, friction stir welding has been thoroughly researched and developed. Shipbuilding requires an increase in speed, requiring a unit price load performance improvement, and shipbuilding should use aluminum alloy materials as much as possible to reduce the weight of the ship. However, the traditional connection method of aluminum alloy materials is rivet connection and arc welding connection. Riveting increases manufacturing time, manpower and material usage, while aluminum alloy is prone to deformation, defects and soot during welding, and also limits arc welding of aluminum alloy components. On the use, the development of friction stir welding technology, the use of friction stir welding to achieve high integration prefabricated modular manufacturing to replace the traditional ship to the plate - reinforcement structure manufacturing, is the inevitable and revolutionary progress in the development of shipbuilding technology.

Friction stir welding (FSW) marine light alloy preformed structural parts have obvious advantages in appearance, weight, performance, cost and manufacturing time. They can be used in the manufacture of light alloy structural parts for ships, and can also be used for on-site assembly. Modern shipbuilding provides a new connection method to inform friction stir welding instead of fusion welding to realize the manufacture of light alloy structural parts, which is another leap in the development of modern welding technology.

Stirring friction welding (FSW) technology has broad application prospects in shipbuilding, marine industry and aerospace industry. It is suitable for welding structure with agitated friction welding (FSW) technology including: deck, wall, partition and other plate welding, aluminum extrusion Welding, hull and reinforcement welding, helicopter landing platform welding, etc. At present, this technology has been used to weld 20m aluminum alloy structural members with a length of more than 500Km.

Third, the development trend of aluminum alloy friction stir welding

China, Beijing Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering Research Institute and UK TWI Stirring Test Welding Technology Cooperation Center - China Friction Stir Welding Center Basic Research on Friction Stir Welding, Material Application Research, Development, Friction Stir Welding Equipment Design, Manufacturing and Sales, etc. Make a lot of progress.

(1) At present, the center is conducting comprehensive research and engineering on friction stir welding space rocket barrel manufacturing, aviation aircraft frame, skin and structure friction stir welding manufacturing, ship light alloy manufacturing and high-speed train aluminum alloy rapid manufacturing. Research. In addition, while undertaking national defense scientific research and final assembly projects, it has also strengthened horizontal cooperation and technical cooperation with enterprises and universities.

(2) Three types of 6 types of friction stir welding equipment have been designed for the manufacture of friction stir welding equipment. In March 2003, two specialized friction stir welding equipments were manufactured for Harbin Institute of Technology and Huadong Shipbuilding Institute.

(3) In engineering applications, aluminum alloy friction stir welding will first apply to power transmission and transformation, high-speed trains, new-generation fighters and new launch vehicles.

Fourth, the conclusion

Friction stir welding (FSW) as a new welding technology will have a revolutionary impact on the manufacture of light alloy materials such as aluminum alloy. Based on this joint technology welding method breakthrough, it is expected that the friction stir welding (FSW) technology will be for aircraft, rockets, The military and civilian product design and manufacturing baselines of high-speed trains, missile speedboats, and all-aluminum tanks have undergone fundamental changes.

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