Resonance Wi-Fi data transmission rate using diodes in the terahertz band

According to the report of the Physicist Organization Network on May 16, a research team of the Tokyo Institute of Technology realized a wireless data transmission rate of 3Gb/s at a frequency of up to 542 gigahertz, setting a new rate of Wi-Fi data transmission. It is recorded that this new rate is 20 times the current highest rate of Wi-Fi data transmission. The research results were published in the latest issue of "Electronic Express".

The frequency used by the researchers belongs to the terahertz band (300 gigahertz to 3 terahertz) that is currently not planned to be used. Terahertz waves can penetrate materials and store less energy. However, the use of this band often requires large, expensive machines and is therefore generally considered unsuitable for everyday use.

To this end, researchers proposed a solution. In particular, they have developed a hardware device that can achieve a data transfer rate of 3 Gb/s—a resonant tunneling diode, the voltage of which can gradually decrease with the increase of current. By adjusting the current, the researchers resonated the diode in the terahertz band and output the signal.

Conceptual studies have shown that the Wi-Fi data transmission rate using this system is up to 100 Gb/sec, and the data transmission distance is 10 meters. At present, researchers are continuing to work hard to increase the transmission distance. (Feng Weidong)

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