Research on the motion of single particle in the spring particle model

The spring particle model assumes that the density of the fabric is uniform, the properties of the warp and weft are the same, and the thickness of the fabric is not counted. The fabric is discrete into a regular four-sided grid, with each particle being spring-bonded to the surrounding mass. The spring particle model discretizes the virtual fabric into a number of mass nodes, which are connected by massless springs and transmit forces through the spring. Fabric bending model fabric based on bending spring is a flexible material. The bending property of the fabric is the characteristic of bending deformation when the fabric is subjected to a force or moment perpendicular to its own plane. The purpose is to give the fabric a shear rigidity and prevent the fabric from being in itself. Plane transitions and unreal deformation.

The shear properties of the fabric are mainly evaluated by the following indicators: Shear stiffness indicates the ability of the fabric to resist shear deformation and is defined as the shear force per unit width of the fabric per unit area of ​​fabric shear deformation. The shear hysteresis is the difference between the shear deformation curve and the ordinate of the recovery curve.

The mechanical model of the fabric under external force and the solution of the virtual probe and the triangular mesh are recorded when the virtual probe is in contact with the virtual fabric. Traverse all the mass points, compare the distance between the mass point and the virtual probe, and find the closest particle point approximating the force applied to the mass point. The particle moves in the opposite direction to the external force under the action of the external force of the virtual probe.

The solution of the kinematic equation assumes that the spring particle model is linear and the initial length of the spring varies to zero, and the spring force can be calculated using Hooke's law. The motion of a single particle in a spring particle model is governed by Newton's second law. The particle is displaced after being stressed, and the mass at the other end of the spring connected to it is also displaced by the spring force. The overall deformation of the virtual fabric is the result of the movement of each particle to a new position after being stressed.

Twin Sphere Rubber Joint

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