Prevention and control technology of several diseases of soybean

1 rot disease 1.1 symptoms. Hazards can occur throughout the growing period, resulting in a 25% to 75% reduction in production. Infected with disease before emergence, causing seed rot or dead seedlings. After emergence, the disease causes root rot or stem rot, causing the seedlings to wilted or die. The base of the infected stem became brown and rot, and the diseased part spread around the stem to the 10th section. The lower leaves were yellowed and the upper leaves were chlorotic, causing the plants to wilted and the leaves to wither. The root of the disease turns brown, and the lateral roots and roots rot.

1.2 Prevention and treatment. Seeding with 35% metalaxyl powder or 72% kelu wettable powder before seeding, the amount is seed amount o. 3%~o. 4%. Spray or water 58% metalaxyl if necessary. Mn-Zn wettable powder 600 times solution, 64% anti-virus 矾 m8 wettable powder 900 times solution.

2 stem blight 2.1 symptoms. It occurs mostly in the middle and late stages of the growth of soybean plants, mainly affecting the stems. Oval-shaped lesions grow on the stem, gray-brown, and gradually enlarge into a piece of black stripe. It first occurred in the lower part of the stem and gradually spread to the upper part of the stem. The symptoms on the stem of the plant before harvest were most obvious.

2.2 Prevention and treatment. The diseased plant residues are removed in time, and the soil fragments are buried deep in the soil to reduce the bacterial source.

3 Sclerotinia sickness 3.1 Symptoms. The soybean sclerotium is mainly infiltrated with stalks. It begins to develop in late July, and there are brown lesions on the stems. Afterwards, there are white cotton-like mycelium and white granules on the lesions, and then black particles (sclerotia). Longitudinal stalks of the diseased plant can be seen in the sclerotium of the black cylindrical column-like mouse, and the diseased plant is grayish white after death.

3.2 Prevention and treatment. At the beginning of the disease, spray 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 500-1600 times solution, 80% carbendazim wettable powder 600-700 times solution, 50% chlorhexidine WP 1000-1500 times solution, 40% Treatment of atrophic powder 1000 times liquid, 50% compound bacteria net 1000 times liquid, in addition, 200 ml of fungal king fertilizer and 600% of 50% anti-mildew oil per acre, 60 kg of water sprayed at the end of early flowering or early onset, The control effect is obvious.

4 gray spot disease 4·1 symptoms. The onset of the disease began in the middle of June, and the mid-July period was the peak period. The pods began to develop from the tender pod stage, and the bulging period was the peak period of the disease. From July to August, the disease occurred in the hot and rainy years. It mainly damages the leaves and also invades the stems, pods and seeds. When the disease is severe, almost all the leaves are covered with disease spots, causing the leaves to fall off prematurely, and the yield is reduced by 20% to 30%. At the same time, the 100-grain weight decreases and the quality is reduced.

4·2 Prevention. In addition to the seed amount of 70% dikesone wettable powder or 50% thiram double wettable powder at the time of sowing. In addition to 3% seed dressing, in the soybean flower pod period, 0.1 kg of 40% carbendazim suspension was used per acre, and 30 kg of water was sprayed.
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