Since September, most of the northern regions have had more precipitation, and the sunshine is slightly less. The rate of filling and ripening of autumn harvest crops has slowed down. It is estimated that in the next 10 days, temperatures in North China and Northeast China will be 1 to 2 °C higher than normal, but rainfall is 3 to 60% higher than normal, and sunshine is less, which is not conducive to crop filling and drying. Crop maturity and harvest peaks in the northwestern region, North China, and Huanghuai will be delayed, and the progress is 3-7 days slower than normal and last year. Cropping time and winter wheat sowing time in northern winter wheat areas will be delayed by 3 to 5 days, and late sowing time will increase the risk of winter wheat being subjected to freezing damage.
Staged low temperature weather occurs in most parts of the north, crops are late in development, and maturity and harvest progress are slow.
Since September, most of the northwestern region, north China, and Huanghuai have had more precipitation, and the sunshine is slightly less. The temperature is slightly lower. From September 9 to 18, the temperature in the northwestern part of the northwest, western part of North China, and the upper part of Huanghuai is warmer than normal. The same period was 1~2°C lower; the ripening rate of autumn harvest crops slowed down, and the crop development period in some areas was 3-7 days later. As of September 22, autumn grain began to harvest in parts of the eastern part of the northwestern region, and provinces such as Hebei, Shanxi, and Henan began to harvest sporadicly; the autumn harvest in the northern winter wheat area was slower than normal and last year.
In the northeastern region, most of the sunshine has been less since September, and some areas have more precipitation, which is not conducive to crop maturity. The crop development period in eastern Jilin and parts of southern Liaoning is 5 to 9 days later. As of September 22, Heilongjiang began to harvest sporadicly, harvesting nearly 0.7%, and the harvest progress was slightly slower than last year.
Since September, the initial frost time in the north is close to normal or slightly late, especially in the northeastern region; the frosty areas in the north are scattered, most of which are not in the main grain producing areas, and have little impact on agricultural production.
It is expected that the winter wheat planting time in the north will be delayed, which is not conducive to the formation of strong seedlings before winter.
It is estimated that in the next 10 days, the temperature in most parts of North China and Northeast China will be 1~2°C higher than normal in the same period of the year, which is conducive to crop maturity. However, the rainfall is 10-30 mm, which is 3-6% more than normal, and the sunshine is less. Conducive to crop filling and maturity; Huanghuai rainfall will be less than 2 to 40%, the temperature is close to normal, which is conducive to crop filling and drying.
From the 25th to the 27th, affected by weak cold air, there will be a rainfall and weather process in the central and eastern parts of the northwestern region, the central and eastern Inner Mongolia, North China, Northeast China, and the northern part of Huanghuai, and the northeastern part of the eastern and northwestern parts of China, and parts of North China. There are moderate to heavy rains in the southwestern Shaanxi and other places, which is not conducive to mature crops.
From the 27th to the 29th, there will be a large-scale cooling process in China. The temperature in most areas of central and eastern China will drop by 4-8 °C, which is not conducive to crop filling and maturity. During the period, the first frost in central and eastern Inner Mongolia and the northwestern part of Heilongjiang will occur. In most of the above-mentioned non-main grain producing areas, frost has no effect on grain production; north of Hebei, northwestern Shanxi, northwestern Shaanxi, north-central Ningxia, northeastern Gansu and other places Initial frosts will occur in some areas, crops in most of the above areas have matured, and frost has little impact on food production.
It is expected that the crop maturity and harvest peaks will be delayed in most of the northern winter wheat areas and in eastern Jilin and southeastern Liaoning, and the progress will be slower than normal and last year by 3 to 7 days. Cropping time and winter wheat sowing time in northern winter wheat areas will be delayed by 3 to 5 days, and large-scale planting of winter wheat in the north will be carried out from early to mid-October. At present, most of the soils in the northern winter wheat area are suitable for soil moisture, and the bottom layer is sufficient for storage. The preference for the same period of the past three years is that the conditions of the lyrical conditions are conducive to winter wheat planting, but the delay in sowing time will shorten the winter wheat growth time before winter, and increase the winter damage. The risk is not conducive to winter wheat safely wintering.
Concerns and suggestions
First, the northwestern region, North China and other places seized the favorable temperature conditions in the near future, strengthened field management, appropriately adopted the measures to promote ripening, timely harvested mature crops, and seized the land to make timely cultivation of winter wheat.
Second, the northeast region should pay attention to the paddy field to drain the water in the field, and the dry land should be dehumidified in time to increase the ground temperature and promote crop maturity.
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