Plastic Drainage Board Construction Plastic Drainage Board Construction Notes

Plastic drainage boards are alias plastic drainage belts, which have a variety of shapes such as wavy and harmonica. It is a good vertical channel for the treatment of soft foundation by using the drainage consolidation method such as silt, silt soil, and backfill soil, which greatly reduces the consolidation time of soft soil. Everyone should be relatively unfamiliar with the construction of plastic drainage boards. Today, Xiao Bian gave everyone the knowledge of popularizing plastic drainage boards to see how the construction process of plastic drainage boards is like.

Plastic drain board working principle

The plastic drain board is inserted into the soft ground with the inserter and the void water in the soft ground is discharged from the plastic drain board into the sand layer or the horizontal plastic drain pipe under the upper part and discharged from other places under the action of the upper preloading. Consolidation of soft ground. In the soft ground treatment, the function of the plastic drainage board is designed, and the construction equipment is basically the same as the sand and sand well.

Advantages of Plastic Drainage Boards in Consolidating Soft Soil Foundations

1. Good water drainage, smooth drainage, and guaranteed drainage.

2. The material has good strength and ductility and can adapt to the deformation ability of the foundation without affecting the drainage performance.

3. The drainage plate has a small cross-section, and the disturbance to the foundation during the application of the drainage plate is small.

4. The plugboard construction can be performed on the super soft foundation.

5. The construction is fast and the construction period is short. Each sheeting machine can be inserted more than 5000m per day, and the cost is lower than the bag sand well.

For the consolidation of deep soft ground using drainage consolidation, it is technically and economically considered that the use of drainage panels is almost the only economical, effective and feasible method.

Plastic drainage board construction process

Plastic drainage board construction should be performed in the following order after the laying of sand mats

1, the entire plain

2, paving the lower sand cushion

3, according to the establishment of board position marking machine positioning

4, install tube boots

5, set the casing

6, boot to set the design elevation

7, lifting sleeve

8, cut plastic drainage board

9, check and record the position of the board, etc.

10, move the machine to the next position

11, paving upper sand cushion

Drainage board construction precautions

1. When the machine is positioned, the deviation between the shoe and the plate mark should be controlled within ±70mm.

2. The verticality of the casing should be controlled at any time in the setup process. The deviation should not exceed ±1.5%.

3. Drilling elevations of plastic drains must be strictly controlled according to design requirements. No shallow deviations are allowed. When changes in geological conditions cannot be set up according to design requirements, contact with on-site supervisors and agreement with the supervisors should be promptly changed. Set the elevation.

4. It is strictly forbidden to cause kink breaking and tearing of the membrane when setting up the plastic drainage board.

5. The length of the tape must not exceed 500mm when set up, and the number of tapes should not exceed 5% of the total number of tapes.

6. The exposed length above the sand mat when cutting the plastic drainage board should be more than 0.5m.

7, should check the construction of each board can meet the acceptance criteria before the move can be set up the next one, otherwise it must make up at the adjacent location.

8. During the setup process, self-inspection shall be carried out on a plate-by-plate basis and the construction record shall be prepared as required.

9. The plastic drainage board that is driven into the foundation should be an entire board. When the length is not enough, it must be carried out in accordance with the prescribed methods and requirements.

10. After acceptance of a section of plastic drainage board, sand holes in the sand cushion shall be used to fill the holes formed around the board in a timely manner, and the plastic drainage board shall be buried in the sand mat.

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