Paclobutrazol action and manual

Paclobutrazol is a triazole plant growth regulator, which mainly inhibits the biosynthesis of gibberellin in plants, slows the growth rate of plants, controls the elongation of crop stems, shortens crop internodes, promotes plant tillering, and promotes plant flower buds. Differentiation, increase plant stress resistance, increase yield and other effects.

1 Change the level of endogenous hormones

Paclobutrazol inhibits gibberellin synthesis, delays growth, and shortens internodes and dwarf plants. The synthesis or metabolism of indoleacetic acid is reduced, the endogenous abscisic acid content of the plant is increased, and the ethylene release of the plant can be regulated.

2 increase the content of chlorophyll, nucleic acid and protein

Paclobutrazol can make plant leaves dark green, increase the content of photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll, increase the nucleic acid content and protein content of plants, and improve the anti-aging ability of plants, so that plants have strong vitality.

3 improve plant resistance

Paclobutrazol can improve plant resistance to stress and disease resistance. The plant epidermal cells can be inflated, the pores are squeezed and sag, the stomatal resistance is increased, the transpiration is reduced, and the water dispersion is reduced.

By alleviating the loss of water, the stress on plant cells is alleviated, normal growth and development are carried out, and the plant's own drought resistance is enhanced.

The application of paclobutrazol can improve the ability of plants to resist chilling and freezing damage. After the application of paclobutrazol, the content of stress hormones in plants is increased, and the damage of leaf cell membrane by low temperature is alleviated.

4 promote lateral bud germination and growth

Paclobutrazol can inhibit the apical dominance and promote the germination and growth of lateral buds. For example, when paclobutrazol is applied, the rice seedlings can be divided into early tillers and more tillers, the plants become shorter, and the base of the stem becomes thicker.

5 bactericidal effect

Paclobutrazol was first developed as a fungicide . It has inhibitory activity against more than 10 pathogens such as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, wheat powdery mildew, rice sheath blight and apple anthracnose. It has a broad spectrum of inhibition and can control grass damage . Weeds are dwarf, slow growth, and reduce harm.

6 Application on fruit trees

Control shoot growth, dwarf fruit trees; promote flower bud differentiation, increase flower yield; adjust fruit set rate; change harvest time, improve fruit quality; reduce summer pruning; improve drought resistance and cold resistance of fruit trees.

Paclobutrazol manual

Paclobutrazol is used in a variety of crops such as fields, vegetables, and fruit trees. The following are specific methods of use.

1 field crop

1.1 Rice

Seedling 1 leaf 1 heart period: uniformly spray 1,500 ml/hm2 of paclobutrazol solution at a concentration of 300 mg/L, and let go of the water layer of Putian, and supply water according to fertility after the next day.

Jointing stage (30 days before heading): 300 mg/L paclobutrazol can control internode elongation, control plant height, prevent lodging and rice lengthening effect, and use paclobutrazol in overgrown fields to resist lodging and increase yield. effect.

Paclobutrazol is applied to rice paddy fields, which has the effects of strong growth, but needs to pay attention to its residual and residual effects. On the other hand, it has the effect of delaying heading and heading on hybrid rice, and should be transplanted early.

1.2 Wheat

Seed dressing: using paclobutrazol for seed dressing, the seedlings can be tidy and robust, and the seedlings are not long.

Jointing stage: using paclobutrazol active ingredient 76.5~90 g/hm2 and foliar spray 750 kg/hm2 for one time, it can reduce the internode and plant height of wheat base and prevent lodging.

Paclobutrazol is slower in metabolic degradation in dryland and is prone to cause residual phytotoxicity in crops. Uniformazole is usually used in production, or it is used in combination with paclobutrazol and ketamine. It can reduce the dosage of paclobutrazol and has the same effect in controlling lodging. The effect is good.

1.3 Corn

Soaking seeds: soak for 10 to 12 hours before sowing, add 1 kg of 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder to 1.5 kg, add water 100 g, and stir once every 3 to 4 hours.

1.4 Peanuts

Flowering period: plant height exceeds 45 cm, the first pair of side branches reaches 8 to 10 knots, and when the average length is more than 5 cm, 25-100 mg/L paclobutrazol aqueous solution is sprayed.

1.5 Soy

The initial flowering period of spring soybean and the flowering period of summer soybean: spraying 150-200 mg/L liquid 750 kg/hm2 can reduce the plant height, compact plant type, postpone sealing, good ventilation and ventilation, promote assimilation ability and assimilation product Transport to the pods, so that the above-ground and underground parts of soybeans, vegetative growth and reproductive growth, and individual and group development, increase the number of effective tillers, pods, grains and grain weight.

1.6 potato

Initial flowering period: Spraying 250-500 mg/L paclobutrazol whole plant can inhibit the growth of stems and leaves and increase yield.

1.7 Rape

Seedling stage: spray 100-150 mg/L paclobutrazol, can dwarf seedling height, short and thick root neck, short petioles, developed root system, dark green leaves, thickened leaves, increased total number of leaves, improve seedling quality .

2 vegetables

The inhibitory effect of paclobutrazol is strong. Vegetables are sensitive to the reaction of paclobutrazol and are generally controlled at 5 to 500 mg/L. Spraying is often used on vegetables.

The type of vegetables with fertile soil, high fertilization level and strong growth, and more paclobutrazol, the lower amount.

The concentration of paclobutrazol used in the seedling stage and the pre-growth stage should be lower, and the growth stage should be relatively higher.

2.1 radish

In the early stage of the formation of fleshy roots: spraying 100-150 mg/L paclobutrazol throughout the plant can inhibit the growth of photosynthesis and increase yield.

2.2 Chinese cabbage

Late growth: spraying 50-100 mg/L paclobutrazol into the heart leaves can inhibit convulsions and delay flowering.

2.3 Cabbage

Seedlings 3 to 4 leaf stage: The whole plant is sprayed with 50-100 mg/L paclobutrazol, which can dwarf the plants and increase the seed collection.

2.4 Shantou

One month before harvesting: 100 ml of paclobutrazol solution of 5-20 mg/L per plant can inhibit the growth of stems and leaves and promote the increase of yield.

2.5 Solanaceae Vegetables

Seedling stage 2 to 3 leaf stage: spraying 10~50 mg/L paclobutrazol on the foliar surface can dwarf the plant and prevent it from growing.

2.6 Kidney Beans

Pre-growth stage: spraying 50~5 mg/L paclobutrazol on whole plants can enhance cold tolerance and dwarf plants.

2.7 edamame

From the initial flower to the full bloom period: 100-200 mg/L paclobutrazol is sprayed on the whole plant, which can play a dwarf plant and promote the production increase.

3 fruit trees

Paclobutrazol is generally a powder that can be absorbed into the interior of the tree by the roots, stems and leaves of the fruit tree under the action of water and should be applied during the growing season. There are usually two methods of soil application and foliar application.

Soil application: In the beginning of the sap activity period and the root activity of the fruit trees in autumn, where the roots are absorbed in the outer part of the tree plate, the paclobutrazol and the dry river sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:5, and the paclobutrazol is turned to the ground 10 cm, followed by Watering.

Foliar application: In the long-term growth of fruit branches, paclobutrazol is formulated into a certain concentration of aqueous solution, sprayed evenly onto the foliage and branches of fruit trees, especially on the young parts of branches and leaves.

3.1 Citrus

In the germination stage of summer shoots: spraying 15% paclobutrazol 300 times, combined with killing hormone and phosphorus potassium source library to control the germination of summer shoots.

After the autumn shoots are matured: Spray 15% paclobutrazol 300 times, and cooperate with the sea snail bio-stimulant leaf surface type and phosphorus potassium source pool to enhance tree nutrition and promote flower bud differentiation.

3.2 Grapes

At the end of the flowering period: spraying 1,000-2,000 mg/L of paclobutrazol can inhibit the length of the main shoots and the secondary shoots and increase the yield.

3.3 Apple

Spring or autumn: 15% paclobutrazol WP 15-20 g per plant, or new shoot length 5-10 cm with 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder 500-700 times liquid spray 10 times every 10 days, a total of 3 times .

3.4 Peach Tree

Autumn or spring: 10% paclobutrazol wettable powder per plant is used in 10-15 g soil.

Precautions for use

1 When paclobutrazol is sprayed, the focus is on spraying the stems of the plants, followed by the leaves. At the same time, it is necessary to spray the wetness. It is not suitable to use excessive liquid to drip into the soil, which will excessively inhibit the growth of the plants.

2 Paclobutrazol has a long residual time in the soil. After harvesting, the applied field must be ploughed to reduce the impact on the growth of the crop.

3 The concentration and amount of paclobutrazol used are related to the temperature at the time of treatment. When the temperature is high, the concentration of paclobutrazol is slightly higher, and the dosage is slightly higher; when the temperature is low, the concentration of the multi-effect wow is also low, and the dosage is reduced. This is in contrast to the general use of growth hormone.

4 Although the dosage of paclobutrazol is low, but the efficacy period is long, it is not suitable for continuous use on fruit trees. And pay attention to the timing, so as not to cause the endogenous hormone disorder in the fruit tree.

5 In the case of lighter paclobutrazol, the marine elf biostimulator can be applied, and the gibberellin + brassinolide should be sprayed on the foliage to promote the normal growth of the plant.

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