NXP Semiconductors Introduces World's Smallest 32-Bit ARM Microcontroller

NXP Semiconductors (NXPSemiconductors) announced the launch of the world's first smallest Cortex-M0 core general-purpose 32-bit microcontroller LPC1102. This PCB occupies an area of ​​only 5mm2 of new devices with unparalleled computing power, mainly for large-scale application of ultra-small board area. The NXP LPC1100 is the lowest priced 32-bit microcontroller solution on the market today, delivering value and ease of use over existing 8/16-bit microcontrollers. The controller is exceptionally easy to use, with low power consumption and more importantly, it significantly reduces the code size of all 8/16-bit applications. As the newest member of the LPC1100 microcontroller family, the LPC1102 adheres to the success of this family of products, not only with low power consumption and excellent price / performance, but with a smaller device footprint. The LPC1102 incorporates 32KB of flash memory and 8KB of on-chip RAM and is available in WL-CSP size: 2.17mmx2.32mm, thickness: 0.6mm, pitch: 0.5mm. GeoffLees, vice president and general manager of microcontrollers product line, NXP Semiconductors, said: "In the pursuit of miniaturized product design, high performance, multi-function, extended battery life, more and more customers are PCB area Constraints, LPC1102 only 2x2mm2 package size provides a solution for them. "Richard Processor Processor Marketing Division RichardYork said," The rapid introduction of new NXP products and their innovative spirit is impressive, on the other hand also demonstrated ARMCortex-M0 product strength and application potential.No doubt, the success of new products based on ARM microprocessor market not only expanded NXP product line, but also bring real benefits to the enterprise. "The new product integrates 4 Channel 10-bit ADC, a UART, an SPI, two 32-bit and two 16-bit timers, a 24-bit system timer. SWD debugging and programming provides 4 breakpoints and 2 viewpoints. The 11 I / O ports double the original GPIO, maximizing device application flexibility. The LPC1102 features ultralow power consumption and operates in 130uA / MHz current mode with integrated internal IRC oscillator with ± 1% accuracy over temperature and voltage ranges. In addition, LPC1102 can support external clock source. Developed in addition to NXP LPCXpresso development platform, LPC1102 also compatible with a variety of third-party development tools. LPCXpresso has a powerful Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), an intuitive new NXP user interface, and an optimized Cortex-M0 compiler and library. The LPC-Link debugger and target board provide users with comprehensive tools to accelerate product development and new product launches. LPCXpresso supports a complete product design cycle, providing an end-to-end development solution.

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