Norwegian scientists want to use sea water and solar energy to green the Sahara Desert

According to reports from the Russian Satellite Network, Niels Bömeier, president of the Norwegian “Bellona” Ecology Association, recently stated that the use of solar and seawater forest planting techniques can green the Sahara Desert. According to reports, Bomaier and his partners have now formulated the Sahara Desert Forest Project to use the renewable energy technology and seawater to make the desert greener, and set up a demonstration greenhouse in Jordan, hoping to hand over the technology to grow forests. For Africa and Middle East countries.

Beaumar explained that seawater will flow into the greenhouse along the tube and be processed into fresh water by means of solar energy so that plants and vegetables can be grown in the greenhouse. At the same time, the soil next to the greenhouse will become moist so that seedlings can grow.

Bomaer said: "We are now working with North African countries and we may find investors for this project next year. It is also important to find an area below the sea level in the desert so that no water pump can be used to transport seawater. Now, we are studying some locations in Morocco and Algeria."

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