Indian student invents waterproof charging shoes

The idea of ​​charging the phone while walking is not new, but a student in India has gone further and introduced waterproof shoes.

The Indian town of Nainita is located at the foot of the Himalayas. The heavy snowfall caused the entire town to lose power and cooking, so Year 12 student Rajesh Adhikari invented the shoes. When the person's foot is off the ground, the built-in spring release drives the small generator to rotate, which generates electricity to power the phone.
Many charging shoes use pressure-sensitive electricity generation technology, but this obviously doesn't apply to places like Nainita, and shoes invented by Adhikari are theoretically more waterproof and practical in snow-covered areas. In addition, it can also supply power to the lamp during a power outage.

It is said that Adhikari is still improving his invention and hopes to realize the wireless charging function. As a result, the unobtrusive line is gone and it is more convenient.

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