How to compensate for calcium deficiency in fruit trees

Calcium deficiency in fruit trees can cause physiological disorders, causing slow growth of young trees, short plants, chlorosis of young leaves, curling of leaves, shrinkage of edges, occurrence of cracks or spots, especially after fruit bagging, apple bitter disease is highly prone to occur. Acne spot disease, water heart disease, pear top rot and water heart disease, peach fruit top softening, kiwi fruit easy to cook and soft, chestnut storage period pulp blackening and other physiological diseases. The occurrence of all these diseases, due to expert research, is caused by calcium deficiency.

The main causes of calcium deficiency physiological disorders in fruit trees are: (1) The calcium content of fruit trees is closely related to the distribution of calcium transport. Calcium is transported in plants with transpiration. The transpiration of fruit trees is much smaller than that of leaves. The competition for calcium is much smaller than that of leaves. Sometimes calcium in the fruit flows back into the leaves, and the calcium mobility in the leaves is extremely high. Poor, it is difficult to re-transport the fruit, which leads to calcium deficiency in the fruit, triggering a variety of physiological diseases, seriously affecting the appearance, intrinsic quality and storability of the fruit. (2) Nutritional imbalance. It is generally believed that the nitrogen/calcium ratio is too large, or the calcium/magnesium ratio is too low for apples to be susceptible to bitter pox disease. (3) The formation of calcium oxalate. Apple fruit stalk contains more oxalic acid, and oxalic acid and calcium form calcium oxalate precipitation to prevent calcium from entering the fruit. This precipitation is small in the early stage (6 weeks after flowering) and does not affect the input of calcium. As the fruit expands, calcium oxalate crystals Increasingly, filling the vascular organization, hindering the input of calcium later. (4) Excess accumulation of sorbitol. The apple pulp cell space in which the heart disease occurs is filled with sorbitol, a permeable carbohydrate, which absorbs moisture and forms a translucent aqueous substance, causing water heart disease. On the one hand, the possible role of calcium promotes the metabolism of sorbitol and enhances the assimilation. On the other hand, the precipitation of calcium oxalate in the stalk hinders the further entry of sorbitol. When calcium deficiency occurs, there is no such transport disorder in the stalk, and sorbitol can continue to enter. Increase the incidence of water heart disease. (5) Fruit calcium behavior. According to the data, in the process of storage, the movement of calcium in the heart area to the outer layer of the fruit is an important cause of apple bitter disease. The survey found that calcium during storage played a major role in bitter pox disease. The total calcium content of the fruit with bitter pox is 30% lower than that of normal fruit. The local oxalic acid and citrate in the tissue induce excessive bitter pox, and the effect of calcium is to form a precipitate with these acids, thereby eliminating the acid destruction.

In order to prevent and control physiological disorders caused by calcium deficiency, various calcium supplementation measures can be taken, including calcium spray on young fruit and calcium spray before harvest. The field experiment was conducted to study the calcium absorption characteristics of apple young fruit. The results showed that calcium should be directly applied to young fruit. The suitable calcium application period is to spray three high-efficiency Merrill calcium in one month after the formation of young fruit. (After a week or so), spray 1-2 times a month before harvesting.
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