Concealed works refer to projects that need to be covered or covered by foundations, electrical pipelines, and water supply and heating pipelines. Since concealed projects are concealed, if quality problems occur, they must be re-covered and covered up. This can result in very large losses such as rework. To avoid waste of resources and loss of both parties, ensure the quality of the project and the successful completion of the project. Before the covert project is concealed, the contractor shall be notified of the inspection, and if the contractor has passed the inspection, the concealed project may be carried out. In practice, when the project has coverage or cover-up conditions, the contractor shall conduct self-inspection first. After passing the inspection, the contractor shall promptly inform the contractor or the site representative of the contractor to inspect the conditions of the concealed project before the concealment works are concealed. Participate in covert work. The notice includes the contractor's self-check record, hidden content, inspection time and location. After receiving the notice, the Employer or its site representative shall arrive at the concealed site within the required time to inspect the conditions of the concealed project. If the inspection is qualified, the Employer or the representative of the site where he is assigned shall sign on the inspection record and contract. After people pass the inspection, concealed construction can be carried out. If the contractor checks and finds that the concealed project conditions are unqualified, he has the right to request the contractor to improve the project conditions within a certain period of time. If the concealed project conditions meet the requirements of the code and the Employer has passed the inspection, the Employer or his representative on the site of the construction site refuses to sign the inspection record after the inspection. In practice, the Employer may deem that the Employer has already approved it and the Contractor may carry out hidden construction work.
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