Flow valve related introduction

The commutation valve is composed of thyristor, damping capacitor, equalizing capacitor, damping resistor, equalizing resistor, saturable reactor, thyristor control unit and other components. Wherein the core member is a thyristor converter valve, which determines the flow capacity of the converter valves (currently has developed six inches thyristor rated flow capacity of 40 amperes), by a plurality of thyristor elements connected in series to obtain a desired System voltage. Thyristor triggering method is divided into electrical trigger and light trigger, ABB and Siemens are one of them, respectively. The converter valve is the core equipment of the HVDC transmission project. By connecting the three-phase AC voltage to the DC terminal in turn to obtain the desired DC voltage and controlling the power, the value of the converter valve accounts for 22-25% of the total cost of the converter plant. . Converter valve design applications of power electronics technology, light control conversion technology, a high-pressure technology, control and equalization technology, cooling technology, the latest technology and research high voltage insulating material, the main technical difficulty is: converter valve Temporarily establishing state simulation model; research overall shielding and shielding performance valve high potential converter; converter valve insulation coordination, control and suppression levels of partial discharge; in other developed valve key device; converter valve cooling, the photoelectric Conversion technology, control and pressure equalization technology integration; valve type test method research. Foreign converter valve manufacturers are mainly ABB and Siemens. Xi'an Electric Power Rectifier limited liability company as the primary converter valve manufacturer, from the beginning of the 1980s, participated in the introduction of technology and equipment manufacturing work China has built and is building all thirteen direct current transmission project, for Flow valve voltage levels from ± 50 kilovolts to ± 800 kilovolts, including the electric trigger thyristor valve and trigger thyristor valve, the product performance reached the current international advanced level. Xu Ji Group through the introduction of Siemens technology, becoming the second to produce the converter valve business.

Transmission And Distribution Pole

Steel poles are commonly used to carry several types of electric power lines, distribution lines and lighting system. Distribution lines carry power from local substations to customers. They generally carry voltages from 4.6 to 33kV for distances up to 30 miles, and include transformers to step the voltage down from the primary voltage to the lower secondary voltage used by the customer. A service drop carries this lower voltage to the customer's premises.

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