Effect of Vitamin E on Reproductive Performance of Poultry

What effect does vitamin E have on the reproductive performance of poultry? Bn9 China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

A: Vitamin E can regulate chicken sexual function by regulating the secretion of gonadotropins from the anterior pituitary. When the cock lacks vitamin E, the testicular degeneration shrinks, it is good for exercise abnormality, and even can not produce sperm; hen ovarian function declines (Liu Gan, 2002). HenMing (1986) pointed out that the vitamin E supplementation rate of the breeder diet is highly correlated with the hatching rate of the eggs. When the dietary vitamin E supplement amount reaches 20 IU/kg, the hatching rate of the higher eggs can be guaranteed. Yan Yuming, 1998 studies showed that different levels of vitamin E (4, 14 and 24 mg/kg) had no significant effect on laying rate of laying hens. Vitamin-4 gram/kg supplemented in corn-soybean-type diets of laying hens It can meet the needs of normal production and reproductive performance. Wu Zhiyuan and other studies found that after the addition of vitamin E, the fertilization rate and hatching rate of the eggs increased significantly. The fertilization rate and hatching rate of the experimental group were both 87.8%, and the fertilization rate and hatching rate of the control group were 84.9% and 81.3%, respectively. The hatching rate was 2.9% and 6.5% higher than that of the control group, respectively, and the difference was extremely significant (p<0.01). Qi Xinfang (1992) also waited for similar results. Wen Jie (1990) reported that the addition of vitamin E to the laying hen diet had no significant effect on fertilization rate and hatching rate of fertilized eggs. Chen Yanfeng (2001) showed that the egg production rate of vitamin E added 10mg/kg group was similar to that of unadded group, and the egg production rate of adding 20, 40, 60mg/kg group was 2.88%, 1.93% and 3.19% higher than that of unadded group, respectively. None of the differences was significant, and Xin Xinfang (1992) also waited for similar results. The hatching rate of fertilized eggs and the addition of 40 mg/kg and 60 mg/kg were increased by 7.80 and 6.57%, respectively, compared with the unadded group, and the difference was significant (p<0.05). Wang Lixin (1997) found that in the non-high temperature season, the addition of vitamin E to the diet had no significant effect on egg production performance, while vitamin E could significantly improve the performance of laying hens during the high temperature season. Chen Zhangyong (1991) believes that increasing the vitamin E feed has a good effect on the semen quality of male goose, mainly because VE can activate many biochemical links in the metabolism of the goose liver and testis. In the case of high frequency of cock use, the addition of vitamin E can improve semen quality (Li Zhifang et al., 2001). Bn9 China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The mechanism of vitamin E on reproduction is still uncertain, but with the continuous development of science and technology, researchers will continue to deepen the research on the mechanism of vitamin E on reproduction, and vitamin E will play an increasingly important role in animal production. Bn9 China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

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