Cotton leaf surface spray fertilizer to prevent premature aging

At the late growth stage of cotton, the root system is gradually aging, and the ability to absorb water and fertilizer is correspondingly weakened. The method of spraying fertilizer solution is adopted to promote the absorption and utilization of fertilizer by cotton, prolong the functional period of leaves, increase root activity and increase the weight of boll.
Fertilizer concentration, urea is preferably 1%, 50 kg water plus 0.5 kg urea; potassium dihydrogen phosphate, superphosphate is preferably 1%-1.5%, superphosphate should be soaked for 24 hours, after the impurities are precipitated The clarified liquid is poured out slowly, and the water is diluted and sprayed. At the same time, Tianfengsu or Shuofeng 481 can be added appropriately, which can have a remarkable effect. Usually after 4 pm, the fertilizer is sprayed on the upper leaves of the cotton plant, and the front and back sides are sprayed. Spray 30 kg of fertilizer solution per acre, spray once every 7-10 days, spray a total of 3-4 times.
Huaxian Agricultural Technology Promotion Center Lu Shuguang
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Hex Shank Twist Drii Bit

Hss Drill Bits For Wood-Hex Shank Twist Drii Bit

Use:Metal Drilling
Material:High Speed Steel
Application:Drilling Holes
Shank Type:Hex Shank(quick change shank)

Quick Change

All bits come with a hex shank that easily and secrecy fits into all your power tools without fear of it falling out.

Twist Design

Wood Drill Set- Hss Drill Bits For Wood

Product Name

4mm Wood Use DIN338 Fully Ground Impact Driver Drill Bits


HSS (Cobalt HSS-E is Available)


Fully Ground (Rolled, Rolled & Polished, Milled are Available)


DIN338 (Stub DIN1897, Long DIN340, Extra Long DIN1869,
Reduced Shank are Available)
Jobber Length (Stub Screw Machine Length, Long Taper Length, Airctraft Extensoin, Extra Long , Silver & Deming 1/2" Reduced Shank are Available)


0.2-30MM 1/16" - 31/64" , A - Z, 1# - 60#

Point Type

118 Degree Regular Point ,135 Degree Split Point, Pilot Point are Available

Shank Type

Straight Shank ,Hex Shank, Tri-Flats Shank, Double R Hex Shank, Reduced Shank,
Threaded Hex Shank are Available

Helix Angle

Regular Spiral Type N (Slow Spiral Type H, Fast Spiral Type Ware Available)

Web & Flute Type

Regular Web & Flute (Thick Web with Parabolic Flute, Heavy Duty Web with Regular Flute are Available)

Hex Shank Twist Drii Bit,Jobber Length Hex Shank Drill Bit,1/4 Hex Shank Drill Bit,Taper Shank Twist Drill

Changzhou Bomitools Co.,Ltd. ,

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