Bahrain Aluminum Plant's net profit reached US$368 million in 2010

According to local media news on the 31st, Bahrain Aluminum's net profit in 2010 reached 368 million US dollars, up 268% over the previous year.

The company is listed on the stock company, Bahrain State-owned Asset Management Corporation ("Mumtarakata" holds 69.38% of the company's shares, Saudi Sabic Foundation Industries holds 10% of the shares, the rest is retail. Related stocks It has been listed on the Bahrain and London stock exchanges, and the recent shareholders’ meeting decided to convert US$369.033 million into a statutory reserve, US$130 million into profit retention, and US$200 million as dividends for the previous financial year to all shareholders. 53 Philippe.

Connector for Aluminium Profiles

The connector is a supporting product of industrial aluminum profile frame. Aluminum profiles must be connected with connectors before they can be assembled into products. The structural forms of products are diverse, and the connection forms between profiles are also diverse. Therefore, there must be a variety of connectors to form a variety of connection forms.

Here are some aluminum profile frame connectors:

1. Direct connector: used for medium and high strength connection.

The main usage is to put the square nut or T-shaped nut and diamond nut into the profile groove and connect them with hexagon socket head screws. T-bolts can also be used for connection. When 30lab, 30lat, 40la and 60la are used for staggered vertical connection, one side of the positioning block of the direct connector is not in the profile groove.

2. T-shaped connecting plate: used for high-strength connection of profiles

The main usage is to connect with T-shaped bolt or hexagon head bolt and hexagon socket head cap screw.

3. L-shaped connecting plate: used for high-strength L-shaped connection of profiles.

The main usage is to connect with T-shaped bolt or hexagon head bolt and hexagon socket head cap screw, which is the same as T-shaped connecting plate.

Connector For Aluminium Profiles,Aluminium Profiles Connector,Plastic Connector,Sliding Window And Door Connector

GuangDong XinCheng Material CO.,LTD ,

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